Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How to Succeed in Business

When advising people on the right attitude to take during a job interview, I usually fall back on my favorite slogan: Don't sell yourself. Buy them. Link here, with links to other posts.

Today, I came across a true story about two young analysts who join a financial firm. One works very hard at selling himself... that is to say, asserting his importance, hanging out with senior executives, and producing good results. The other works very hard at buying the company, its organization ant its culture. He spent his time learning about the company, taking on additional responsibilities, and managing difficult situations..

One of them was rewarded by a larger bonus and increased responsibilities; the other, not.

If this topic interests you, I recommend it heartily to your attention. Link here.


  1. Great piece, thank you for pointing it out!

  2. You're welcome... glad you liked it; hopefully, some people will find it useful.

  3. "But at least understand the situation for what it is: a trick to engage women in sex without emotion or commitment."

    I'm sorry, I am not understanding this.

    The situation you present is one which two adults come to an agreement of what their interaction involves. (Let's say 'interaction' since relationship is reserved for something else you define.)

    The man states exactly what the deal is, as does the woman, and they are in complete agreement.

    Yet, somehow it comes down to a 'trick' played on the woman, and the man taking advantage of her, because the woman imagines it to be something else.

    Sorry, but this seems to reduce women to the level of children, not responsible for their decisions and actions.

    It also seems to place all of the responsibility on men for male/female interactions.

    Am I missing something?

  4. I'm assuming that Weary G's comment refers to the next post, the one on Friends with Benefits.

    Clearly, he points out the most interesting moral issue here. If a woman consents to participate in an activity that she later decides is not in her best interest, I can imagine that she sees herself as having been tricked.

    Surely, she is responsible for her decisions and her actions.

    What I am trying to say is that just because she agrees, voluntarily, to do something that does not make it right or good for her.

    If she consents to a situation that is not in her best interest because the culture or her peers are touting its benefits, then surely she is still responsible for her decision.

    But that does not in itself make it a good decision or a decision that is right for her.

  5. society requires a useful article that can add insight, hopefully this site always presents a useful article
