Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Weiner Uncertainty Principle

Trying to clarify things today, Rep. Anthony Weiner admitted that he “can’t say with certitude” that the offending organ pictured in the offending tweet that someone sent to the comely young lady in Washington was his.

Certainly, this confirms that Mad Anthony does keep pictures of his manhood on file in his cell phone. Why, pray tell, would he ever do that?

Be that as it may, Weiner has just demonstrated that there are cases where a man does not know it when he sees it.

Feel better, now?


  1. The Ghost said, "Fisheye Lens..."

    Is that for his Trouser Trout?

  2. Testy Weiner Chokes Press....

  3. It's amazing how bad this is getting, and how quickly it is getting bad. The power of ridicule is enhanced when people make themselves ridiculous.

  4. Weiner stiffens under pressure, turgid and shaking....

  5. Weiner tense and quivering, briefly ejaculates at press conference upon cajoling by Wolf Blitzer:

  6. As Weiner goes down, he is at least providing lots of inspiration for all of us.

  7. The uncertainty princle, of course, only applies to objects that are very small...
