Tuesday, October 29, 2013

CBS Reports on Benghazi

Some of us have taken the mainstream media to task for not reporting objectively about  the Obama administration.

It is altogether fair that we praise the mainstream media when it does great work.

Witness Lara Logan’s 60 Minutes report on what happened in Benghazi two years ago.

Logan does not have enough information to trace the decision-making through the State Department or up to the White House, but she offers a chilling picture of how the administration left Ambassador Stevens and his staff vulnerable and unprotected.

This link to the CBS site provides a transcript of the program.

Logan closes her report by observing what has happened in Libya since the attack. Worse in many ways, we have not even bothered to clean up the compound:

The U.S. pulled out of Benghazi and al Qaeda has grown in power across Libya. When a member of our team went to the U.S. compound earlier this month, he found remnants of the Americans' final frantic moments still scattered on the ground. Among them Amb. Stevens' official schedule for Sept.12, 2012, a day he didn't live to see.


  1. 'Trust is earned, not given.'

    'Some of us have taken the mainstream media to task for not reporting objectively about  the Obama administration.

    It is altogether fair that we praise the mainstream media when it does great work.'

    Your therapeutic premise might have merit for a wayward child,Stuart.

    For a series of commercial organizations
    claiming to protect a public trust to foster an informed citizenry,they have a LONG way to go to establish ANY level of trustworthniess.


  2. Of course, they have a long way to go, but shouldn't we encourage them when they take a step in the right direction?

  3. Sure, Stuart, and then say "What took you so long?"
