Saturday, July 26, 2014

Strong, Silent Women

It makes sense that women and only women. mother. Their bodies are made for gestating and nourishing infants. They possess maternal instincts that tell them how to care for an infant or a child.

When it comes to mothering, men and women are not interchangeable. Anyone who ignores this reality will probably pay a price.

Whoever it was who made human beings as men and women seemed to have known what he was doing.

Moreover, if the researchers are correct to believe that a child’s brain  develops better if he hears more words before he is three, then it makes sense that a woman’s maternal instinct would make her more talkative. It’s about quantity, not quality. It’s all about a child’s flourishing. Link here.

As you know, feminists find that these realities offend their ideology. An ideologically driven true believer will never let facts get in the way of the narrative.

At times, ideologues try to skew the facts. At times, they try to convince you that facts are irrelevant. They even make up facts. Any way, they will ignore or neutralize any facts that make them look like fools.

So, on the grand question of whether men or women are more talkative, feminists insist that the talkative woman, like the silent man… is a stereotype.

Keep in mind my context. I am not asking whether women, in all situations are more talkative, but whether they would naturally, as mothers tend to talk more to an infant or a small child.

So, when the research, reported by Anna North, tells us that women are more talkative in small groups and that men are more talkative in large groups, it tends to prove my point.

But, North notes, another study has shown that when women are in legislatures, where they are often not in the majority, they speak up just as often as men. Thus, their behavior runs counter to the idea that women speak less when they are in groups.

If you look closely, however, you will see that women speak more under specific circumstances. They are more talkative when they are weighing in on issues that skew toward the maternal.

North writes:

In 2012, the political science professors Tali Mendelberg and Christopher F. Karpowitz found that in groups with the power to make political decisions, women spoke less than men when they were in the minority (men were no less talkative when outnumbered). When they made up the majority of the group, though, women spoke just as much as men, were interrupted less often, and advocated for policies that would help families in poverty. In a New York Times op-ed, Ms. Mendelberg and Mr. Karpowitz wrote:

“When there are more women in legislatures, city councils and school boards, they speak more and voice the needs of the poor, the vulnerable, children and families — and men listen. At a time of soaring inequality, electing vastly more women might be the best hope for addressing the needs of the 99 percent.”

Does this prove that women are just as talkative as men when they belong to groups? It does not. It tells us that being more talkative belongs to the category of maternal instincts.

North reviews the evidence, some of which suggests strongly that women are more talkative, but she concludes, like a good feminist, that it is a cultural stereotype, thus something that good feminists are duty-bound to destroy.

Whoever it was who created human beings as men and women must have made a mistake. Feminists know better so they will continue their effort to transform the human species, to make it fit their ideology.

Funnily enough, success would mean creating a new stereotype, the strong, silent woman. How else can you make it appear that men and women talk equally as much.

At least, it wasn’t my idea to silence women!


  1. Feminists dismiss motherhood as 'having babies', as if motherhood ends with squeezing babies out of the vagina. But motherhood lasts a lifetime.

    It is not only about making babies but making human beings as the mother, ideally with the father, must shape, mold, and develop the moral, emotional, and intellectual character of her children into adults.

    What is more challenging and rewarding than creating and developing human beings?

    Some feminists attack motherhood as 'living through others' but every vocation, occupation, or endeavor is about living through others. Teachers live through their students, doctors live through their patients, bus drivers live through their passengers, etc. Everything is about offering service to others.

    And 'housewife' is a misleading term as a full-time mother has more freedom of movement than a woman who must be stuck in the office or factory all day.

  2. Feminism seems to be a mental illness.

  3. Ideologues are always offended by reality.

    In the end, ideology is all theory, right? It's one person's view on how the world should work or would work best. Practical results and consequences are demoralizing, and therefore ignored. Repeat.

