Saturday, November 15, 2014


It didn't break the internet, but this picture has launched a thousand explanations.

To me, for what it's worth, there's only one word that describes it:


Evolutionary scientists claim the attraction to a large female bottom (Kim Kardashian pictured) is due to an ingrained preference for women with a small 'waist to hip ratio.' The ratio is calculated by dividing the waist measurement by the hip size. The smaller the waist in relation to the hip, the more attractive a woman seems 


  1. This looks photoshopped to me, or done with a very wide angle matter, in a few years this gal will be fighting the battle of the bulge big time, and it's not going to be pretty.

    Seeing far too much of Kim Kardi is causing me to want to stay offline more and more. Porn has gone mainstream and among other things, it's become a major, in our face bore.

    We live in a post lady and gentleman society where nothing---not the smallest private detail---is left to the imagination or delegated to the sacred.

    I shudder to think of where these starlets go from here....

  2. Did anyone look at that picture and say: but she is a married woman?

    But, I guess that such thoughts are a sign of advanced age!!!!

  3. Suppose it's a symptom of the loss of meaning of the covenant of marriage. Not to mention God in heaven...this craven woman knows no shame or modesty for her daughter's sake. And why hasn't that husband of hers stepped in and put his greedy foot down?

    The only slightly good role model I see around these-here parts today is Taylor Swift. Though certainly without the various and sundry gargantuan endowments of KimKar, she at least is thinking ahead of the consequences of such a lack of modesty if and when she marries and has children---in that old fashioned order.

  4. The other day I saw a report that big backsides are, um, hip -- to the point where cosmetic surgery is being performed to transfer abdominal fat to the posterior. Less catastrophically, sales of rear-enhancing underwear are booming. Kim K. was cited as a role model for this swelling trend.

  5. Progressive morality. Morality (or religion) is the philosophy of self-moderating, responsible behavior. It's actually regressive (or negative progressive, as progress as an unqualified concept) morality, since it demonstrates a monotonic avoidance of moderation and responsibility. The progressive or generational liberal religion is degenerative as a matter of design and function that concludes with libertinism. Kardashian is a rebel with a cause and without a clue. At her advanced age, she dreams of childhood bliss.

  6. Then again, it may just be the symptom of a mid-life crisis, which is likely to be more pronounced in a celebrity seeking an audience.

  7. What does Kim do? She's a celebrity. She celebs.

    Dan Boorstin described it 30 years ago.

    Kim is the best in the business. Magazines & papers would have blank pages w/o her. The Daily Mail practically vanish (I read it for Sir Max Hastings) -- Rich Lara

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