Saturday, December 6, 2014

Returning to Bacon

Could 84% of aspiring vegetarians be wrong?

It seems improbable.

Wrong about what, you might be thinking.

Wrong about giving up meat and dairy.

As it happens, the vast majority of those who give up eating meat, for reasons of health or moral virtue, eventually return. Apparently, they cannot resist the lure of bacon.

The Daily Mail reports the findings:

Researchers found 84 per cent of vegetarians and vegans eventually gave up the lifestyle choice.

More than half (53 per cent) start eating meat again within a year, and almost a third (30 per cent) relapsed within just three months.

Former vegetarians said they lacked support from meat-eating friends, didn't like being the odd one out and couldn't resist cravings for meat.

The medical information cuts both ways.

On one side a recent American study suggested that a vegetarian diet would do wonders for those who suffer diabetes.

But, if you do not suffer from diabetes, the benefits of a vegetarian diet may not outweigh the detriments.

On the other side, there’s this:

But it's not all rosy. Australian researchers found although vegetarians smoke and drink less than their carnivorous counterparts – they are also 18 per cent more likely to 18 per cent more likely to have depression than the general population.

They are also 28 per cent are more likely to suffer panic attacks and anxiety disorders.

Less meat and more vegetables will wreck your mental health.

But, who are the people who try and abandon vegetarianism?

You might have guessed, but they more likely to be liberal and female.  We are not surprised to discover that vegetarians are less likely to go to church. After all, vegetarianism and veganism are religious practices without the ceremonies and rituals.

The Dail Mail explains:

Now, animal rights campaigners have found vegetarians are more likely to be women who vote liberal and don't go to church.

Current vegetarians and vegans in the U.S. have an average age of 42, they found.

A large majority are women, with 74 per cent of vegetarians and 69 per cent of vegans female.

They are also much more likely to lean toward liberal politics (52 per cent identify as liberal, versus only 14 per cent who say they are conservative).

This seems like just the right moment to post a link to a recent study about the lies the nutrition industry has been telling us. Over at Maggie’s Farm, Dr. Joy Bliss links to an article from Business Insider called “9 Lies About Fat That Destroyed the World’s Health.”

Here is a sampling of the lies and the truth:

1. A Low-Fat, High-Carb Diet is The Optimal Human Diet
The truth:

There is no evidence that low-fat diets have any benefits. They do not cause weight loss in the long-term or reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Some studies show that they may even cause harm.

2.  Cholesterol Rich Foods (Like Eggs) Are Bad For You

The truth:

Eggs were demonized because of the high amount of cholesterol, but new studies show that they don't raise cholesterol in the blood or contribute to heart disease. Eggs are among the most nutritious foods on the planet.
The others are well worth your attention.

1 comment:

  1. I guess there are always exceptions. I'm one. I'm 64, male, conservative and I've been vegetarian (not vegan) for more than 40 years. No panic attacks, no anxiety. But I completely agree that for most, it's a form of religion.

    The added points about the lies about fats are also amazing. I've eaten lots of eggs, cheese, and always had whole milk -- I just had the sense that the nutritionists had it wrong, and am glad the facts are finally coming out.
