Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Do Jewish Lives Matter?

When it comes to Islamist terrorism, President Obama has adopted a see-no-evil, hear-no-evil, speak-no-evil strategy.

If you don’t call it Islamist terrorism, our president seems to believe, then it’s not Islamist terrorism.

Obama has the same approach to anti-Semitism. By refusing to call it by its name he is saying that if he does not acknowledge its existence it does not exist.

Every sentient human being knows that the terrorist attack on the kosher supermarket in Paris last month was an Islamist act of anti-Semitism, but our president refuses to call it anti-Semitism.

While the government of French president Francois Hollande has recognized the problem and has provided greater security for all Jewish sites in France, Barack Obama remains true to his mentor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

When the Paris attack first happened, Jonathan Tobin reminds us, Obama stood alone in refusing to call it an act of anti-Semitism.

Yesterday, in an interview with Vox, Obama offered some additional commentary:

It is entirely legitimate for the American people to be deeply concerned when you’ve got a bunch of violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris.

No one with a functioning mind could possibly believe that the attack on the kosher market was a random act of terror committed against a “bunch of folks.”

Using a glib, down-home phrase like “bunch of folks” diminishes the victims.

You have to wonder whether, for this president, Jewish lives matter.

If someone black had been targeted because of his race Obama would have denounced an act of racist hatred, without hesitation.

One notes that our supercilious president did concede that the concerns of the American people are legitimate. He is not saying that these concerns are legitimate, because for someone of his superior intellectual acumen they are not quite as threatening.

Tobin explains:

But it is also significant that once again the president chooses to treat a deliberate targeting of a Jewish business filled with Jewish customers as something that is random rather than an overt act of anti-Semitism. Doing so once might be excused as an oversight. The second time makes it a pattern that can’t be ignored.

This is a peculiar talking point especially since the increase of anti-Semitism in Europe with violent incidents going up every year is something that even the Obama State Department has dubbed a “rising tide” of hate.


  1. http://www.independentsentinel.com/crazy-insane-retarded-orwellian-pc-program-ramping-up-at-university-of-michigan/

  2. 80% of Jews voted for him in 2008 and 70% of Jews voted for him in 2012.

    We can't do anything about it. If Obama hates Jews but has broad Jewish support, what can we do?

  3. Good point. One idea might be to invite the prime minister of Israel to address the Congress and see who shows up and who boycotts.

    Unfortunately, many American Jews are now trying to find a way for Netanyahu to back out of the engagement.

    Doubling down on bad judgment.

  4. I weep for Israel and for Jews everywhere--but given that most jews vote de rigueur for Democrats and for socialist issues, and may be the dominant source of financial support for the Democrats. and features people like George Soros and much of the media and entertainment (aka "propaganda") industries?

  5. Obama did not say "... a bunch of folks." Rather, he said (and routinely says), "... abuncha folks." I guess this gives him street cred? I find it sort of unpresidential.

  6. It has always perplexed me how people consistently vote for those who do not have their best interests at heart and/or show distain for them. This seems to be true for Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, women, et al.
    How much destruction do they have to see heaped upon them before the recognize the damage done by those who say they want to help only to present a facade in front of the desire to control them? I am beginning to wonder if freedom scares most people and the desire to be told what to do lives in them. Never to take responsibility for their own lives or determining their own way to meet the challenges of life.
    Fear of true freedom is the only thing that make sense especially when people want to look to government as the provider of all things. Is it hard to see that government is only good a making rules, treating us all as stereotypical groups vice individuals and developing a "one size fits all" mentality?
    No issue is an either or proposition. One would think that the Jews would be the first to see it given the Diaspora and how they have been treated almost to the point of extinction. It would seem that no matter who or what group we belong, given that we belong to many types of groups, we are our own worst enemies.
