It might sound peculiar to those who still believe that
psychoanalysis has something to do with science, but when people join the
Freudian cause they act and function like converts.
In France, where psychoanalysis still exists in its purest
form, people give their lives to Freudian theory and act like cult followers.
As I have put it, they join a pseudo-religion. It’s like joining the Church of
Scientology. The only difference is that converts to the Freudian cult have
triple-digit IQs.
(FYI—the most interesting and readable study of conversion and other religious experiences can be found in William
James’s The Varieties of Religious Experience.
Written over a century ago, the book describes different religious and
spiritual experiences. A careful reader will note how closely they resemble
what psychoanalysis has been offering.)
If psychoanalysis has its converts, it must also know have
its share of people who have deconverted. Within serious religions they are
called apostates. In the Freudian pseudo-religion their names are never spoken, but are treated like apostates.
Now, we have a video panel discussion about the
psychoanalytic version of deconversion. The discussion took place in late March
of this year in Versailles, France in an apartment that had previously been
occupied by Mme de Pompadour. Evidently, the locale was well chosen.
The video was produced and directed by Sophie Robert, who
also took on the role of questioner. Among the participants were University of
Washington professor and prolific author of works about Freud, Mikkel
Borch-Jacobsen, Professor Jacques van Rillaer, emeritus of the University of Louvain,
also the author of many books about psychoanalysis and behavioral therapy, psychiatrist
and former psychoanalyst Jean-Pierre Ledru and your humble blogger.
It was a wonderful conversation and I very much enjoyed
For now the only version is in French. Link below.
Here is the text of an interview with Thomas Szasz, author of The Myth of Mental Illness:
Szasz correctly recognizes that so-called mental health experts confuse their own moral judgments and social metaphors with the empirical practice of medicine or other valid scientific reasoning.