Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Bush Campaign in Six Words

Ernest Hemingway is credited with having written the first six-word novel.

It reads:

For sale: baby shoes, never worn.

Apparently, Hemingway does not deserve full credit for this, but it fulfills the terms of the challenge he had received.

This challenge is far more difficult than you might imagine.  A publication called Smith Magazine exists to show us all how difficult it is… not just to make a statement, but to tell a story. The six-word novels or memoirs in Smith invariably fall far short.

Now, one Nate Goldman has discovered a six-word novel in a New York Times story about Jeb Bush. Its authors are Jonathan Martin and AshleyParker. Goldman deserves much credit and many accolades for having discovered this.

I quote it verbatim. 

“Please clap,” he said, sounding defeated.


  1. Poor Jeb!, but there's still hope, he still has plenty of cash. It's only Iowa after all!

    But now we need one for Rand, the true hero in the 2016 rat pack:

    How about:
    "Carry on liberty", he said, heartbroken.

  2. Bush campaign in 1 word.


  3. Go back the Florida Golf Club from whence you came, Bush. Depart I say; and let us have done with you, and your family. In the name of God, go!

  4. It's just not happening, Jeb. Fold your tent and head home. Wall off your wallet.

  5. p.s. Here's the origin of the joke, so "Please clap" is like in church when the minister says "Let us pray." PBS NewsHour: Jeb Bush has now asked an audience to applaud for him.
    Bush delivered a speech in Hanover, N.H., Tuesday, in which he said the next president "needs to be a lot quieter, but send a signal that we're prepared to act in the national security interest of this country — to get back in the business of creating a more peaceful world."

    As he paused, one woman behind him appeared to start clapping. To everyone else, he urged: "Please clap."

    The crowd obliged.

  6. Jeb was a good governor for the state of Florida, and a decent person, but has become so in thralled to the establishment that he is doing a tremendous amount of damage to the Republican brand The amount of money he and those behind him have spent could have been better spent increasing the chances of a Republican victory. Sadly, not so. Jeb seems to be blind to his people and that they are NOT doing him any favors with what amounts to those "Death Star" type of ads. I am not sure that it does not exhibit itself in his facial responses and a seemingly not up for the fight attitude.
    A question here. I have thought and am beginning to wonder whether Trump wants to be president? I think he was thrilled at the response, but is beginning to see how much his life is going to be controlled by the office. There seems to be a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde condition in play. One moment he is going along and doing the things he needs to do and in the next he is doing every thing possible to alienate possible voters. May be its me, but there appears to be a growing ambivalence starting to happen. It is one thing to play politics and quite another to play politics and be controlled by those politics.

  7. I agree with the point about Trump... his outbursts show some ambivalence, and I think that you have hit on the reason: when you occupy the office of president you cannot do what you please and have your time and our movements controlled by others.
