Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Big Shag

We aren’t talking about “Eat, Pray, Love,” Elizabeth Gilbert’s megaselling memoir of her attempt to get over a failed marriage.

Laura Jane Williams found her own way to overcome the pain of heartbreak, or, as she would put it, being dumped. She decided to travel around the world shagging as many men as she could. (Since, Williams is British, the correct word for what she did is shagging… though the prudish Sun refuses to print the word in its entirety.) For the record, the Sun entitles the story: "Around the World in Eighty Lays." 

A child of the therapy culture Williams believed that when a man accepted her offer of free love she had chalked up a new conquest. Memo to the young and naive: just because you call it a conquest doesn't mean that it's a conquest. It means you are confused. 

Better yet, Williams persuaded herself that by tramping around the world she was now in control. In another context this is called gender dysphoria—believing that you are something other than what everyone knows, as an objective fact, that you are.

Her therapy—if you want to call it that—made her feel like she was a man—detached and emotionless about sex. To her mind, and to the popular mind in general, being a liberated woman means behaving like you are a man.

You’ve come a long way, baby!

She writes:

I COULD not go to the pub, a party or a work event without looking at a man and saying to myself: “That one will be next.”

There always had to be somebody to take home, a conquest.

I felt like an emotionally detached and liberated woman.

My need for meaningless sex started after my long-term boyfriend dumped me and within a year had got engaged to my friend.

We had been dating for six years and I fell off the rails.

After he left that day I drank half a bottle of vodka and within 45 minutes had thrown it all back up again.

The heartache made me want to go and be someone else for a while.

One notes that we are not in the world of the zipless shag. We are not even in the world of the big bang. As it happened the sex was sometimes not very good. Laura describes it thusly:

I planned my next liaison via the internet — an obvious choice now, but unchartered territory for a booty call back in 2009. I chose dating website OK Cupid to meet Jay the DJ.

Thirty-five minutes after meeting at a bar, he was throwing me down on a Travelodge bed, hitching up my dress.

I pulled at zips, belts and buttons with frantic whispers and then, just like that, I was naked with a man who was not my ex-boyfriend.

Quite the conquest, quite the self-esteem boost-- being thrown down on a Travelodge bed by a man you met thirty minutes ago. And if she had been thrown against a brick wall….

And then for the climax:

Unfortunately, the action was all over in 60 seconds.

Turns out, there is no etiquette for such encounters. You have to, in my experience, have soul-crushingly mis-matched sex four times, until 6.30am brings with it a spate of new friction burns that will take a pot of Sudocrem to soothe, after which you can finally say: “I’ve got an early breakfast meeting to get to — I’ll text you.”

Where did the romance go? Well, for this male-identified liberated woman, there was none. And, she was happy there was none. Because she believed that if she had no feelings her feelings would never be hurt.

Being a free woman Williams was free to do as she pleased. But, any adult could have told her that she was engaging in highly risky behavior. And let’s not forget that, however much she believed that she was acting like a man, she was still a woman, and that as a woman she was degrading herself. Not that we want to shame her inordinately--she is trying to sell a book-- but still.

I will not leave you in more suspense. Williams does eventually come to her senses:

I started to pride myself on keeping everyone at a distance. I was a s*** because none of them was the answer. I didn’t want any of them to love me or treat me with respect because I didn’t respect myself. I was teaching English to Italian teenagers when I finally realised I was on a destructive path and decided to change my life.

How does she heal herself? By checking into a convent, which is more monastery than convent, and going cold turkey… embracing celibacy:

So I signed up to live in an Italian convent. I moved into Chiostro di Sant’Agostino, near the seaside town of Loano in the Riveria.

I thought it was a convent with nuns, but it was actually a monastery with elderly monks, who took me in and helped me recover.

I vowed to be celibate while I was there. It was amazing, the perfect place to heal and reflect.

After my wild years being in such a slow, easy place made me consider life. It was just what I needed. The doors were pretty much open to anybody who needed a bed. People would bring gifts for the monks and ask for help. I did too.

At least it was in a good neighborhood.

Naturally, the book has a happy ending. And it shows that religion is more therapeutic than many forms of therapy. You will note that she did not check herself into rehab for sex addiction, but got in touch with a more spiritual side of her sexuality. And she also learned to make small gestures of kindness toward other people. Fancy that!

Of course, the prototype of her book is Hephzibah Anderson’s memoir of her year of living sexlessly: Chastened: The Unexpected Story of My Year without Sex.


  1. It is interesting perhaps to consider the major contribution of religion to culture is about prohibitions.

    At a rational level, you can almost say yes to anything, as long as it feels good in the moment, and you can't identify any definite long term costs. So religion has a deeper imagination of things invisible to consider.

    E.F. Schumacher talks about this in his book "A guide for the perplexed."

    He claims all religions express a vertical dimension for the universe, expressed in the chain of being from mineral, plant, animal, and human, each step moving further from passive to active, and he says only humans have "free will" because we can observe ourselves objectively as well as subjectively, and redirect our actions away from those which we discover is no longer serve for us.

    So having the will to say "no" to something that offers only short term gratification, and doing so not out of self-punishment, but for a greater purpose is what makes us human, and religious symbolic language can help in this process of seeing forms beyond what our physical senses can experience.

    As Wikipedia says: Schumacher argues that appreciating the different levels of being provides a simple but clear morality. The traditional view, as Schumacher says, has always been that the proper goal of humanity is " move higher, to develop one's highest faculties, to gain knowledge of the higher and highest things, and, if possible, to 'see God'. If one moves lower, develops only one's lower faculties, which we share with the animals, then one makes oneself deeply unhappy, even to the point of despair." This is a view, Schumacher says, which is shared by all the major religions. Many things, Schumacher says, while true at a lower level, become absurd at a higher level, and vice versa."

    It is interesting to consider the evolution of life moves from most passive to most active, and then experience may give us the power to move back into a state where action is not needed to learn. Passions follow positive feedbacks that overshoot good sense, while moderating passions is how we feel mastery over ourselves. That's a better feeling than being able to control or seduce someone else.

    And practices like abstinence, abstinence from any compulsion, even food like in short term fasting, allows us to step above the lowest bodily impulses. Abstinence is actually the easiest discipline because you're taking away a choice.

    And back to the start:
    Stuart: Her therapy—if you want to call it that—made her feel like she was a man—detached and emotionless about sex. To her mind, and to the popular mind in general, being a liberated woman means behaving like you are a man.

    My problem with such reductive conclusions is that it is pretending only men are active and only women are passive, and relationships can only exist by a dominator-dominated divide, lowering women to the status of plants or animals, and calling them masculine for reaching for the active role.

    Liberation shouldn't mean being ONE THING, but it means you know how to experience both sides of life - as director and receptor, and find something of yourself in both, whatever your biological gender. Religion can teach this, even where biology divides us.

    Perhaps being "one thing", following a 100 million year old evolutionary sexual divide, is enough if sex is just about reproduction, and then you only need a dozen sexual encounters over a lifetime at all to successfully be fruitful and multiply.

  2. All women are crazy , some just hide it better than the others. This one doesn't hide it at all!
    Look at he most recent photo in the article. It almost seems that outside the frame of the photo she could be holding a knife! Crazy eyes don't lie!

  3. Wow, some men must really be desperate to shag a hag like that.

  4. A woman does not have to try to get laid, assuming she is barely good looking and indiscriminate in her choices. This is not an impressive accomplishment, and far less challenging than being an umbrella salesman in a rainstorm.

  5. Anonymous,

    One can learn a lot from watching people's eyes, especially women's eyes. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. It is why Hillary scare me. Not a nice person by any definition of the term nice.

    As IAC states it is not much of an accomplishment to get laid as a woman. Though I would disagree that they have to be reasonably good looking. I have met too many guys who would have sex with a snake, a metaphor, if it stayed still for a long enough period.
