Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Tampons in the Men's Restroom

Having long been a leader in political correctness, Brown University has found another way to embarrass itself and to alienate its alumni. (Among them, yours truly.)

Opening up a new frontier in sensitivity towards the transgendered, Brown has started placing tampon dispensers in men’s lavatories. And, they will be free. Apparently, these are needed by women who believe that they are men and who therefore will insist on using the men’s room. Will they also insist on using male urinals?

Someone might ask why it should be, if these women are really men, they still get their periods, but, trust me, when you enter the world of the politically correct you must leave your rational faculties at the restroom door.

At least, Brown has not yet banned male urinals. And it have not yet followed the Swedish example, wherein boys in public schools are told that they must pee sitting down… because if they pee standing up they are being sexist.

William Hicks reports on this compelling story for Heat St.:

Many have raised doubts about the masculinity of the men attending Brown University, but who knew the school’s administration did as well.

This school year, Brown provide free tampons in all nonresidential restrooms — men’s rooms included. The school explained the decision by saying they did not want to make transgender students feel excluded.

While some of these tampons in men’s restrooms may be used for their intended purpose, no doubt most will be lost to adolescent exploration. Young boys growing into men will learn what the hell … tampons actually are, whether they stop nosebleeds, or if that vodka trick from the news actually works. Fun fact: Tampons can also be used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Hicks highlights the point that young men are likely to make ill use these feminine hygiene objects. They are likely to turn them into objects of ridicule and use them for purposes for which they were not intended. Since they cannot use them for their intended purpose, what else is left? Of course, this kind of play will compromise women’s privacy and promote disrespect for women.

Clearly, Brown University administrators were not thinking when they made their decisions.

In truth, the more Brown chooses to place itself in the vanguard of this stupidity the less its alumni will be enticed to contribute. And that, I am certain, is a good thing. Better to starve the beast.


  1. The ubiquity of feminine hygiene: another testimonial to the legalistic, bureaucratic mindset of the Left. What is right for one must apply to all, even if it flies against the realities of biology, and regardless of the cost. So if the transgender population is 0.3%, and 75% of transgendered are male, that means the total population Brown is pandering to is 225,000 within the entire U.S. population. If these numbers are extrapolated into the alternate universe Brown University, it's 2015 enrollment of 9,073 would yield 27.2 transgendered persons, and with 25% of those being female, there would be 6.8 persons. Tampons in every men's room for 6 people. Makes sense, huh? And to make it worse, I'm sure the diversity administrators are doing everything they can to track down transgendereds so they have a student body that "reflects America."


    I would suggest that the supposed experts that populate academe actually make things worse no matter the issue. Nothing will change until the alumni and state governments finally say enough. I am not sure why it is, but academe seems to be where bad ideas go to live forever. How many centuries have to pass before those in academe recognize that there will never be a time where perfect people will exist to make failed ideas not be failed ideas?

  3. "...when you enter the world of the politically correct you must leave your rational faculties at the restroom door." You missed the opportunity to say "at the facility's door."

    I suppose Brown will now buy tampons by shipping container lots to "save money".

  4. "[Y]oung men are likely to make ill use these feminine hygiene objects. They are likely to turn them into objects of ridicule and use them for purposes for which they were not intended..."

    Young men????

    Young men like Melissa Harris-Perry?

  5. Dennis @September 7, 2016 at 8:15 AM:

    "I am not sure why it is, but academe seems to be where bad ideas go to live forever."

    Because it's easier to say YES to everyone and everything. There's no risk in saying YES. Especially when there's a federal student loans gravy train, why would anyone put themselves out there to conserve resources and be more efficient? There's no incentive. So YES is the answer to everything.

    "How many centuries have to pass before those in academe recognize that there will never be a time where perfect people will exist to make failed ideas not be failed ideas?"

    I don't know the timeframe, but it will all end when people realize that theory is subordinate to experience. We have too many suckers out there who have it the other way around.

  6. Fundamentally, what we see in our colleges and universities today is opportunity for courageous men and women to stand up and tell the TRUTH. The truth is always powerful. What we have is a lack of courage, reason and real knowledge of what it means to lead a good life. That's what education is supposed to be about, and now we've replaced it with data download. For the 2016-17 tuition price of $50,224, that seems like a high price to pay to be downloading stuff.

  7. Did it ever occur to these people that a "transgender man" getting a tampon from a dispenser in the men's restroom is going to be very embarrassed and it will reveal that "he" is actually biologically female - something they are probably trying very hard to cover up? It might also place such an individual at risk for rape since it would be revealed that a person in the men's restroom has a vagina. Even if you accept the trans insanity that a person is what they believe themselves to be, it's terribly risky and problematic for a biological woman to basically announce her biological womanhood in a men's bathroom by getting a tampon right there in front of men.
