Monday, July 31, 2017

Obama in the Middle East

In a long and detailed analysis David Horowitz makes the case against the Obama administration policy in the Middle East on the Powerline blog. The case is long and detailed. It's well worth a read.

For now, I present the executive summary:

During the eight years of the Obama administration, half a million Christians, Yazidis and Muslims were slaughtered in the Middle East by ISIS and other Islamic jihadists, in a genocidal campaign waged in the name of Islam and its God. Twenty million others were driven into exile by these same jihadist forces. Libya and Yemen became terrorist states. America – once the dominant foreign power and anti-jihadist presence in the region – was replaced by Russia, an ally of the monster regimes in Syria and Iran, and their terrorist proxies. Under the patronage of the Obama administration, Iran – the largest and most dangerous terrorist state, with the blood of thousands of Americans on its hands – emerged from its isolation as a pariah state to re-enter the community of nations and become the region’s dominant power, arming and directing its terrorist proxies in Lebanon, Syria, Gaza and Yemen.

1 comment:

  1. So Horowitz is one of those far-lefties that rolled over into a far-righty.

    Exec Summary: During the eight years of the Obama administration, half a million Christians, Yazidis and Muslims were slaughtered in the Middle East by ISIS and other Islamic jihadists, in a genocidal campaign waged in the name of Islam and its God.

    A half million deaths certainly doesn't sound like a JV team. But is this accurate? I thought they just liked beheading people on TV.

    But certainly 1200 killed outside of the two countries in civil war isn't insignificant, even if the connections are more by inspired madness.
    In total, more than 1,200 people outside of Iraq and Syria have been killed in attacks inspired or coordinated by the Islamic State, according to a New York Times analysis.

    It looks like the deaths in Syria's civil war are about 400k, but does ISIS get credit for all of them? Perhaps they'd like credit.

    Madeleine Albright under Bill Clinton was convinced to say 500,000 Iraqi children dying due to our economic sanctions against Iraq from 1991-1996 was worth it.

    And we don't have to mention we armed Saddam and almost encouraged his 1980s war against Iran. For me the Albright admission, among others convinced me however wrong we were on WMD in Iraq the sanctions basically just helped keep Saddam in power, while killing innocent people, so if our egos couldn't allow Saddam to "win", then it was better to clean house than continue sanctions for decades more.

    Whatever JV team ISIS has done, we're surely the bigger sower of chaos in the world, even if we're not as bold in our decapitations. Now we use clean drones to police the world from a distance. If you think a bit, you can imagine how some might hate our arrogant power.
