Saturday, August 26, 2017

Jeff Dunetz to the Rabbis

Jeff Dunetz reports that a coalition of American rabbis is going to boycott an annual conference call with President Trump:

On Wednesday, a coalition of major rabbinical groups announced it will not hold an annual conference call with the president because of how Donald Trump responded to the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia earlier this month. The rabbinical groups — which include the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the Rabbinical Assembly, the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association and the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism. The groups represent the Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist movements of Judaism.

He sent them an open letter, mildly suggesting that their attitude toward Trump’s predecessor was fawning and obsequious. After all, half of Trump’s family is Jewish. Most of Obama’s best friends were anti-Semites. It does not take too many smarts to see the point.

Dunetz wrote to the  rabbis:

In the eight years before Trump took office, America had the most anti-Semitic President since FDR, but the Rabbis of the Conservative Movement was silent, most probably because like Reform Jewry, Conservative Judaism tends to worship the Golden Calf of liberal politics. The letter and action made in your names shows your Antisemitism to be of the Johnny-come-lately variety. You are trashing Trump for political purposes only.

What is also upsetting is that while the Rabbinical Assembly never cared about anti-Semitism spewing forth from the White House before a week ago Tuesday….

There was nothing from the Rabbis of the Rabbinical Assembly when Obama surrounded himself with anti-Semites such as Chas Freemen, Zbigniew Brzezinski, or General McPeak who all spread the anti-Semitic stereotype that Jews control the U.S. Government, or that he used Al Sharpton (who incited two different anti-Semitic pogroms in NY City)  as an unofficial advisor.  You said nothing when Obama gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to anti-Semites such as  Bishop Tutu who said, “Jews Think They Own God” and to Mary Robinson who ran the Anti-Semitic Darfur conference on Human Rights, Toni Morrison who resurrected the Anti-Semitic Blood liable to against Israeli Jews, and Rev. Joseph Lowery who preached the anti-Semitic canard that the “powerful Jewish lobby.” It didn’t seem to matter to the Rabbis of Conservative Judaism when Barack Obama said he supported the anti-Semitic Occupy Wall Street movement.

And, also:

Maybe the Rabbinical Assembly lost its internet access because they didn’t object when in a straight cash deal the Presbyterian Church sold land they owned in Jerusalem to Israeli Jews and Obama objected. The American president declared in so many words that Jerusalem should be Judenrein.

When Muslim terrorists attacked the Kosher Supermarket in Paris as Jews on a Friday as Jews were making their purchases for Shabbos Dinner, White House Spox Josh Earnest, and State Department Spox Jen Psaki each refused to recognize that it was an attack on Jews, prompting AP’s great State Department correspondent Matt Lee to ask Psaki, “Yeah, but if a guy goes into a kosher market and starts shooting it up, you don’t – he’s not looking for Buddhists is he?” Maybe the Rabbinical Assembly thought the WERE looking for Buddhists because there was no publicly issued, angry letter to the President.

And Dunetz did not even mention the Iran nuclear deal-- giving the world's leading proponent of anti-Semitism access to nuclear weapons that they want to drop of Tel Aviv-- the funneling of money to Hamas and Hezbollah through Iran, the support for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt… and so on.


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  5. There is apparently no criticism possible here today, however short.

  6. Oh, Ares...Surely you can think of objectionable comments that our esteemed host would not want to print. I think I can, but I won't.

    These Rabbis apparently don't think much of Mr. Trump's Jewish family members or his support for Israel. I suspect it's due to favoring Democrats, and can't get their heads around the fact that he likes his family members and thinks highly of Israel (which Democrats don't seem to like much at all). It seems to me they're idiots on Trump, and unwilling to learn.

    As for McPeak, I am so glad I retired before he became CSAF.

    Your turn, Ares!

  7. Sam L, I did find Jeffrey Dunetz's open letter that Stuart didn't link.

    I also found the claim about Occupy Wall Street being anti-Semitic curious. Jeffrey Goldberg said no, but since everyone's got an opinion on everything, so they must all be right in their own multicultural way.

    People really enjoy dividing the world, and magically everyone on the other side is always wrong about everything, almost by definition. You're either with us, or you're with the terrorists. W said so.

  8. "I also found the claim about Occupy Wall Street being anti-Semitic curious"

    I didn't read the linked article, but in reading a wide range of blogs I see a quite high correlation between anti-Semitism and extreme and excessive hostility to the finance industry.

  9. "Jeffrey Goldberg said no"

    Snork, snork, bwaahhahahahaaaaaaah!

  10. sestamibi said... "Jeffrey Goldberg said no"

    I suppose if we can group all Alt-righters as equivalent to people who ram their car through crowds of people, it's fair to say OWS was collectively anti-Semitic.

  11. Ares,

    I am quite curious about the comments that were "removed by a blog administrator." If you still have them on your computer, would you send them to me? [My User Name] (at) .

  12. AO: "There is apparently no criticism possible here today, however short.'

    You do nothing but criticize, and it's never short, bub. And your anti-semitism is a regular theme. It's a duck.

  13. DF: "I didn't read the linked article, but in reading a wide range of blogs I see a quite high correlation between anti-Semitism and extreme and excessive hostility to the finance industry."

    There's a lot to question about the finance industry, whatever it's Jewish makeup. Where's should we begin? The psychotic inside game of the unregulated derivatives market tha almost destroyed everything in '08? The one that all of Wall Street lobbyists and political donors begged for since the early '80s? Yes, perhaps some do pin things on Jews, and maybe that's because of their overrepresentation in high finance, but it's doubtful. No one blames black players for the woes of today's effeminate NFL leadership, even though blacks are 75% of the product on the field.

    Seems Stuart thinks there's something to question about rabbinical opinion, which is entirely Jewish. Given that Jewish voting patterns are almost lockstep with the Democratic Party, are the rabbis opinions out of the ordinary? Jewis loyalty to Democrats is second only to African-Americans as a voting block, regardless of what Obama did and didn't do.

    The rabbis certainly seem to irrationally reflect an extreme and excessive hostility to Trump.

    What are we to make of this?
