Saturday, December 15, 2018

The Reality of Transgenderism

At a time when transgenderism has become trendy, even fashionable, it is good to hear about the experience of someone who actually transitioned. Since the transgender lobby, with the full support of mainstream media outlets and leftist politicians, has gotten into the business of producing transgenderism, it is morally obligatory to question the belief. As I have often mentioned, transgenderism is fundamentally a belief… and it is a belief that is at variance with anatomical and chromosomal realities.

Today, we read the story of one Lee Anthony Mills, a man who became a woman and renamed herself Leanne. She transitioned over twenty years ago and is telling her story so that other young people do not get duped into imagining that they are transgender. It’s a sobering story, the kind you can only find in The Daily Mail.

The newspaper presents her case:

Yet a few minutes later, as she serves coffee in her sitting room, Leanne says with feeling: ‘I can never be a woman. I was born male and it has taken me years to accept the truth that I am biologically still a man, whatever female hormones I swallow and whatever bits have been cut off me.

‘Today it’s trendy to be trans, especially among the young. I want to warn them that a man can never become a real woman, or vice versa. They are being oversold an impossible dream. They are being tricked.’

How has her life worked out?

She is a transsexual who, at 34, had sex reassignment surgery — as it was then called — on the NHS at a clinic in Hove, East Sussex, after years of dressing sometimes as a man and sometimes as a woman. She is now 57 and says that, since then, she has lived in a twilight world where — despite being bright and having passed the 11-plus — she has had only a string of dead-end jobs, has never found the love she craves, and remains to this day (as male or female) a virgin.

As a child she liked to dress up as a girl, but she learned about transgenderism from a book:

The teenager had learnt about transsexualism — a term coined only a decade or two before — from a Seventies book by a U.S. psychiatrist that was on her parents’ shelves. It was called Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid To Ask) and contained a short reference to transsexuals.

Willfully, the child insisted that she be mutilated. If her parents and the National Health Service would not comply, she threatened to kill herself:

To the horror of her distraught parents, Leanne then threatened to commit suicide if she couldn’t become a girl. Her determination to change sex marked the start of a rift with her parents that lasted, on and off, until they died.

Now she wants to show the reality of being transgendered.

‘I have seen my family torn asunder, friends turning away and my hopes of ever finding love dashed,’ she says. ‘I have been denied children and, therefore, grandchildren — the important relationships that other women enjoy at my time of life.

‘I want to warn others of the reality of being a transsexual, and the tragedies it can bring.’

She is especially concerned about the fact that Britain’s attitude toward the condition has produced so many more trans people:

Yet the Equalities Committee estimates that there are now between 200,000 and 500,000 trans people living in the UK (compared with only about 1,000 in 1980) and waiting times for treatment at gender identity clinics, particularly among under-18s — some aged just 11 and 12 — have grown hugely.

She is especially opposed to the notion that any individual can declare him or her a member of the opposite sex, without any medical testing:

‘Today’s rather reckless and, if I may say, irresponsible “trendy to be trans” culture (which social media helps to promote) is pushing many of them towards making life-changing and irreversible surgical decisions.

‘I cannot stress enough that it is absolutely essential to have in place medical checks and adequate preparation (which the Bill seeks to remove) before “crossing over”. What if he or she discovers too late that they are not trans after all but, in fact, gay, a cross-dresser or asexual?’

Leanne transitioned in 1995. How has life been since then?

She added: ‘I once had high hopes of realising my teenage dream when I left hospital after surgery in 1995. All was well for some “golden years” when I went clubbing and living life as a woman. However, it all unravelled because I cannot entirely escape the chains of my male origins.

Things did not go very well when she started dating boys.

She also began to see boyfriends. That raised the thorny question of when to tell her date she’d had sexual reassignment. Should it be on the first date or later, after the relationship had begun to grow?

She remembers two occasions, both at a bar near her then home in Birmingham, when dates walked out on her after she told them the truth.

‘I’d met the first guy through a singles group. When I said what had happened to me, he just started shouting at me in front of the other customers before driving off, leaving me there with everyone staring,’ recalls Leanne.

The second date — a man with whom she was ‘getting on great’ — suddenly said to her: ‘Wouldn’t it be funny if you turned out to be a bloke?’

When Leanne confessed that she had indeed been born male, he got up and departed, too, saying he needed time to think.

Whatever the law says, the social stigma remains:

Then there is the social stigma, which has not gone away despite the UK’s generally more enlightened attitude.

She was out shopping recently when she saw a man who used to be a pupil at the same school as her when she was still Lee. The old schoolmate was standing in front of Leanne, who said: ‘Hello, don’t you recognise me? It’s Lee.’

She explained she had transitioned and was now a woman. His response was to shake her hand, after which he turned on his heel and walked off.

She offers this final observation and warning:

No wonder Leanne says her life now is lonely. When I visited, she’d not had a caller at home for five weeks. So it is little surprise that she warns others who feel they were born in the wrong body not to make hasty decisions, especially when young.

‘The propagandists tell them it’s a bed of roses and they will be accepted by society. They think they’ll find the right partner, that it will all be wonderful.’ She shakes her head sadly.


  1. Hope parents and the politically correct tribe of idiots listen to this true story and stop pushing for acceptance of this aberration.

  2. Aside from everything else, these people are mentally unsound. Reason enough to steer clear of them.

  3. Why the passive voice?
    “When I said what had happened to me”
    Nothing happened to this person—he chose to have the surgery, etc..

  4. Sam L, Whoopie, Cheryl, and that little voice inside your head are all correct.

  5. Paul McHugh said the exact same thing back in 2004 and hasn't stopped. Of course, his speaking truth to power has resulted in his being attacked by the usual suspects.

  6. I hope someone from a church near there goes to see and care for this person. Five weeks without anyone visiting.
