Friday, March 22, 2019


Roger Simon calls it a Jexodus, an exit of American Jews from the Democratic Party. Is it happening? Is it real? Will it have consequences? We do not know. After all, most liberal Jews are currently consuming themselves with rage to fight Donald Trump, a man they believe to be the reincarnation of Adolph Hitler. They persist in kowtowing to the most anti-Israeli president in American history: that would be Barack Obama. They're the gang that couldn't think straight.

So, yesterday, President Trump announced his recognition of Israel’s right to control the Golan Heights. At the same time, Democratic presidential candidates have announced that they will not be attending this year’s AIPAC meeting. By their lights the America-Israel Political Action Committee—the one that was roundly denounced by Rep. Ilhan Omar—did not represent their values. One suspects that those values prominently include appeasement and surrender.

Simon explained:

The day Donald Trump announced the recognition of Israeli control of the Golan Heights is the same day it was reported that none--that's zero--- of the many 2020 Democratic Party presidential candidates would be speaking at or attending the AIPAC (America-Israel Public Affairs Committee) annual meeting later this month. had urged on them to avoid the conference, which has historically bent over backward to be welcoming to Democrats, and the candidates complied like dutiful lemmings.

As you know, is a Democratic political action group, funded in considerable part by George Soros. You know Soros: if you criticize anything he says you will be denounced for being anti-Semitic.

So, the new Democratic Party has cast its lot with Ilhan Omar:

Meanwhile, the same Democrat Party could not find it in itself directly to confront Rep. Ilhan Omar's overt anti-Semitism and chose to water down their condemnation in some vague pseudo-even-handed pabulum about opposing all discrimination.
And it cannot see that Trump has been wildly pro-Israeli:

All this is happening while Donald Trump has been the most pro-Israel president since Truman, who first recognized the state. Indeed, Donald may have passed Harry, moving, as he did, the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem (the first president to honor that pledge) and walking away from the Iran deal that did nothing for peace and only allowed the mullahs to wreak havoc in Syria and Yemen and continue to threaten Israel with annihilation. Trump also placed restrictions on the funding the Palestinians used to provide pensions to terrorists and their families.

Trump's approval of Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights is the natural outgrowth of these policies. It is high time. Fifty-two years ago, when the Heights were still under the control of the ruthless Hafez al-Assad, who, like his son Bashar after him, had a proclivity for mass-murdering his own people, the Golan was used as a high ground for firing artillery into Israel. Now it's used for vineyards and as a staging area for Israeli medics to help save the lives of the long-suffering Syrian people.

As you know, Jewish liberals have objected to Trump’s policy on the Golan Heights… because they are afraid. I would mention what they are afraid of, but it is more accurate to say that they are fearsome cowards… the kind that happily embraced the pusillanimous policies of Barack Obama. 

Now, after Obama sat on his hands while Vladimir Putin annexed Crimea and took over in Syria, liberal Democrats are afraid that Trump’s actions will embolden Putin. For the record, how much have you recently been hearing about Putin? Have you noticed that he has been eclipsed….

Simon says:

Yet still, Jewish "liberals" object to Trump's actions. Dan Shapiro--Obama's ambassador to Israel--got his knickers in the proverbial twist on Twitter, complaining that there hadn't been sufficient "policy planning" (gasp!) and the Russians might be upset, a pretty funny accusation from people who were whining that Trump has been soft on Moscow for the last two years.

But then hypocrisy--and, even worse, fear--is the hallmark of the American "liberal" Jew. They think that by standing up for everyone else but themselves they will be seen as good guys and left to live their largely successful lives unmolested, the same mistake made by their semblables in 1930s Berlin.

It's probably not a good idea to make the same mistake twice.


  1. "But then hypocrisy--and, even worse, fear--is the hallmark of the American "liberal" Jew. They think that by standing up for everyone else but themselves they will be seen as good guys and left to live their largely successful lives unmolested, the same mistake made by their semblables in 1930s Berlin."

    Weakness is never virtue, it's just weakness.

  2. Weakness is also "wearing a KICK-ME sign on your back".

  3. Nicely done (by both you and Simon). I heard someone on the radio say that the word from the neo-Democrats was that Israel and its American supporters are to be condemned because they're racist and (not kidding) "Islamophobic." Which is kind of like accusing the European Jews of the 30s and 40's of being racist (anti-Aryan) and Nazophobic.
