Tuesday, May 28, 2019

More Notes on Bias

A couple of follow-up notes on bias-- see previous post for background.

First, in her lust to blame Donald Trump for anti-Semitism, Konnikova neglects to mention that many members of Trump’s family are Jewish… orthodox Jewish, for that matter. And she says not a word about the fact that Trump has been the most pro-Israeli American president in many, many years.

Nor does she mention the fact that when the Obama administration sent planeloads of cash to the anti-Semitic Neo-Nazis in Tehran, the money quickly found its way into the coffers of groups dedicated to killing Jews… that would be Hamas and Hezbollah.

In addition, when talking about worldwide persecution of Muslims, the highly estimable Julie Burchill reminds us that far more Christians are murdered and persecuted in Muslim countries than are Muslims in Christian countries:

Christianity is now the most persecuted religion in the world, with Christians 140 times more likely to be murdered for their faith in Muslim countries than Muslims are in Western Christian countries. Some estimates claim that one Christian is killed every five minutes.

Nothing quite like facts to counter your or Maria Konnikova’s bias. True bias is blind to fact.

1 comment:

  1. "Nothing quite like facts to counter your or Maria Konnikova’s bias. True bias is blind to fact." Nailed it, Stuart has.
