Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Are MAGA Caps the New Kippahs?

The good news is that both the assailants were arrested and charged with assault.

But, that is not why I am reporting this incident. It is certainly not the first time a man has been assaulted for wearing a MAGA cap. It will not be the last.

I report it in order to raise a different issue? Have you heard of other occasions where men have been assaulted for the caps they are wearing on their heads? I am sure you have. Jewish men in Western European capitals and even in parts of Brooklyn are routinely attacked for wearing kippahs, that is, scull caps that designate them as Jewish.

Let’s see, are MAGA caps the new kippahs?

That is today’s question.

To return to my previously made assertion that Donald Trump is the first Jewish president, how not to remark that once upon a time, when real Nazis took over Germany, Hitler unleashed his Storm Troopers, a band of street thugs led by Ernst Rohm.

They immediately began beating up Jews for walking on the street. They harassed Jews whenever they could. And, of course, they burned all books written by Jewish authors.

Does this sound familiar?

Serious American politicians have told people to harass Trump supporters and members of the Trump administration. That would include Rep. Maxine Waters. More than a few Democratic politicians have declared their wish to beat up Donald Trump. Why would their followers not want to beat up anyone wearing a MAGA cap? And, of course, identity politics tells us that what really matters is the ethnicity of the person who said or wrote something. Identity politics also tells us to dismiss and disparage the works of anyone who belongs to a putative oppressor class. Doesn’t this sound like a slightly more civilized form of book burning?

So, fascism has come to America… in the form of an anti-fascist movement. The people running this movement are not even smart enough to know that they are modern day Storm Troopers.


  1. "once upon a time, when real Nazis took over Germany, Hitler unleashed his Storm Troopers, a band of street thugs led by Ernst Rohm"

    It's important to note that the Nazi street violence *preceded* their formal takeover of the government (although obviously, the brakes were taken off once they had control) and indeed, street violence against political opponents had a lot to do with the Nazi success in taking over.

  2. A good way to annoy socialists is to insist on using the term "national socialists" for nazis.

    Agitators throughout the ages have known that it is useful to have a public enemy #1 which can be blamed for public ills, and where you can redirect public anger (rather than for example mismanagement and corruption by the current elites). It is very much the case that the European elites have been using America as public enemy #1 for the past 50 years.

  3. "So, fascism has come to America… in the form of an anti-fascist movement. The people running this movement are not even smart enough to know that they are modern day Storm Troopers." That should be "anti-fascist" to indicate that it's a LIE, a FALSEHOOD.
