Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Are Muslim Migrants Assimilating in Scandinavia?

How are things in Scandinavia? Especially, how are things in thoroughly woke countries like Sweden and Denmark? How are these nations handling the massive influx of Muslim migrants? Are the migrants assimilating and becoming good Scandinavians? Or are they bring a crime wave, destroying the quality of life for good-hearted Swedes and Danes?

Zero Hedge has the story beginning with the remarks of a leftist Swedish journalist, Lena Mellin. (via Maggie’s Farm) In the past Mellin staunchly supported migration. She now admits that everyone, that is everyone on the right and the left, knew that the effort to assimilate so many migrants would end in disaster.


Aftonbladet’s Lena Mellin now acknowledges that Sweden’s attempt to integrate huge numbers of migrants from Africa and the Middle East has failed.

“All parties, with the possible exception of the Left Party and the Sweden Democrats [SD], who hardly affected the reality on this point, should be ashamed,” writes 64-year-old Mellin.

She accuses politicians of having “largely neglected the development in some of our suburbs” despite the fact that “everyone knew it would end in disaster.”

Numerous people pointed out the hypocrisy of Mellin admitting she knew integration was failing yet still refusing to abandon her support for mass immigration.

“Incredible! Lena Mellin, of all journalists one of the foremost advocates for mass immigration and multiculturalism, one of the worst SD-haters, claims that ‘one has known for years’ that it would go to hell,” tweeted Ted Ekeroth.

For all these many years, Sweden’s ruling class refused to see the problem. It blamed racism for the gang violence, the rape culture, the bombings and so on. Does that sound slightly familiar?

“For more than a decade Sweden’s ruling class — including political leaders and the media — has denied that there are any problems in the country’s banlieues caused by the mass importation of Third World immigrants. Except for problems caused by those WAYCIST Swedes, of course,” writes the Gates of Vienna blog.

Now it seems that the truth about cultural enrichment has become so blatant that it can no longer be denied. The response of the Swedish media establishment? “We knew all along that things would end badly; we just forgot to tell you.” And they blame the politicians.”

Sweden continues to experience huge problems with violent crime, shootings, explosions and grenade attacks, mostly as a result of turf warfare between rival migrant gangs.

In the city of Malmo the local authorities have responded to the rash of bombings by doubling down on stupid:

Authorities in Malmo responded by inviting local gang leaders for pizza, while the Swedish government recently announced it would commit $175,000 to funding Drag Queen Story Time events where men dressed as women read and perform to children.

And then there is Denmark. Judith Bergman reports on conditions there for the Gatestone Institute, via Zero Hedge.

Conditions in Denmark bear a marked similarity to those in Sweden. Surprised? I hope not. The first warning comes in a directive issued by the American embassy for U.S. Citizens:

On September 24, the US embassy in Denmark published a security alert. It warned US citizens in Copenhagen that:

"The Danish National Police urge individuals living in or visiting the areas of Nørrebro, Ishøj, and Hundige to exercise heightened awareness at all times due to a recent increase in gun violence. Copenhagen Police have instituted a stop-and-search zone in a large area covering Nørrebro. The ordinance – which will run through September 30 – allows police officers to stop and search anyone within the area without cause".

The alert also encouraged US citizens to "keep a low profile", "do not physically resist any robbery attempt" and "use caution when walking or driving at night".

I assume that the stop and search policy is another form of what New York City used to have, a stop and frisk policy. If you follow the news you will recall that former Mayor Michael Bloomberg, an effective mayor by most accounts, just apologized for his own stop and frisk policy, because it effectively lowered crime. This means that his nascent political campaign is over.

As for the migrant gangs, one Danish politician describes them:

"In addition to a common fondness for crime, the culture of immigrant gangs is a cocktail of religion, clan affiliation, honor, shame and brotherhood," wrote Danish Conservative Party MP Naser Khader, who is also a co-founder of the Muslim reform movement .

"They also distinguish themselves from the rockers [predominantly ethnically Danish biker gangs, Ed.] by an incredibly strong cruelty. The harder and the more brutal [you are], the stronger you are, and then you create awareness of yourself and attract more [people]".

The flare-up in gang violence has also led to what appears to be a new trend in Denmark: Carjackings at gunpoint. The Danish police confirm that there have been at least three armed carjackings in the conflict between the Brothas and NNV gangs. In one incident, two people were threatened with guns to get out of their cars and leave them.

As in Sweden, car-torchings have also become commonplace. In the first nine months of 2019, according to the Danish police, there were 648 car torchings, the highest number in the past four years.

Nørrebro, where 17.6 % of the inhabitants were non-Western immigrants and their descendants in 2018, has some of the most serious problems, and is where many of the criminal gangs originate. In July 2019, Mathilde Graversen of the daily Berlingske Tidende visited a small neighborhood in the area, where, according to locals with whom she spoke, just 20-25 local boys and young men of ethnic minority background, between the ages of 12 and 20, are causing all the problems. Describing the measures some residents take for personal security, she wrote:

"It has become a habit to use the back door instead of the front door [to their apartment building]. They pass a fence into the garden... and go through the basement up to their apartment. In this way, they avoid having to pass a group of boys and young men, who often hang out in front of the building. Other residents periodically give up using their bedroom. They blow up an air mattress every night and sleep in the living room because the group of boys and young men listen to loud music, shout and occasionally knock on the windows to the [residents'] bedrooms at night. Others say that they have friends who dare not visit them in the evening".

Bergman continues:

… the historian and columnist Niels Jespersen wrote, "I also left Nørrebro, because I couldn't stand the gangs". More importantly, Jespersen asked in his op-ed, "how many Danes, who do not have... access to [write] an op-ed in Berlingske, not to mention the resources to move away, have been exposed to the same things [as Lunøe] over the decades?"

"[T]he price for the failed integration [of immigrants] is [paid] by those with the least resources. It is the schools and neighborhoods of the working classes that are destroyed, while it is rare that the well-educated and progressive middle classes meet other immigrants than those who are equally well-educated and progressive".

Migrants gravitate to working class neighborhoods, where they destroy the quality of life and compromise the education of all local children. Those who can afford to leave, do so. Those who cannot, suffer.

Meantime, we are railing against the Chinese government for reeducating its Muslim population and forcing them to assimilate. For some reason China does not blame it on racism. The worse this gets in the West the better the Chinese approach will look.

1 comment:

  1. "How are things in Scandinavia? Especially, how are things in thoroughly woke countries like Sweden and Denmark? How are these nations handling the massive influx of Muslim migrants? Are the migrants assimilating and becoming good Scandinavians? Or are they bring a crime wave, destroying the quality of life for good-hearted Swedes and Danes?"
    Answers: Badly; Badly; Poorly; No, Yes; BIG TIME!

    "Numerous people pointed out the hypocrisy of Mellin admitting she knew integration was failing yet still refusing to abandon her support for mass immigration." Leftists and "true believers" do that, and keep on keeping on. Their minds are preserved in liquid nitrogen.

    “Now it seems that the truth about cultural enrichment has become so blatant that it can no longer be denied. The response of the Swedish media establishment? “We knew all along that things would end badly; we just forgot to tell you.” And they blame the politicians.” Deliberately ignoring THEIR part in encouraging the government.

    Denmark: Same, same. Can they access their inner Vikings? My Magic 8-Ball says "Signs point to NO", and "No Way, JOSE".
