Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Giving Tuesday

Today is called Giving Tuesday. What better day to contribute to my annual fundraising campaign.

I have been putting up daily posts on this blog for more than eleven years now. I trust that some people will consider that to be praiseworthy. Obviously, it takes time and work to do the job, and I could not have done it without the financial support of you, the readers.

So, allow me to thank you for your past and future generosity. It is much appreciated.

In principle, this blog attempts to keep you informed of the latest from the psycho world. It has tracked the influence of therapy culture, its effects on individuals and its political and social fallout. We would be wrong to limit the influence of therapy to individual cases. So, I have expanded the coverage to include questions involving political psychology, social psychology, organizational psychology and so on.

Precious few writers are doing this job, but surely it needs to be done. It is important that we recognize the way therapy has come to define our culture, direct our actions and  influence our thoughts.

Anyway, this project does require financial support. You can contribute by clicking on the orange Donate button, on the left side of this page. Then, the folks at Paypal will help you to contribute as much as you would like.

This year, as a special service, you can also fund the blog by doing your Christmas shopping at Amazon. If you enter the Amazon site by clicking the Amazon ad at the left of this page, a percentage of each purchase price will be credited to your humble blogger. In that way, you can support the blog-- at no extra cost.

If you do not wish to use Paypal, I gratefully accept checks or cash sent to my address:

            310 East 46th St. 24H
            New York, NY   10017

If you have a friend or a relative who is a psychoanalyst or who still clings to Freudian theory, you can do him a great favor by sending a copy of my book, The Last Psychoanalyst. 

When I wrote it, I suggested that it shows how a pseudoscience became a pseudo religion. But, I also showed how Freud created something that resembles what we now call a rape culture. The term was not in use five years ago, but if you read the book carefully you will see that I was somewhat prescient. The book is a perfect holiday gift. You can buy a copy by using the link at left.

Since this is a week long fundraising campaign, I will be repeating this post several other times throughout the week. Be prepared.

My thanks to those who have already contributed. For others, thank you in advance.

1 comment:

  1. Yes indeed, Stuart. You deserve a standing ovation for all your straight talk on the harm many linds of therapy engenders. And the ways we can better ourselves when we think we need counseling and coaching.

    I for one am grateful!
