Saturday, January 18, 2020

Veganism: "a Crime against Cheese Lovers"

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is a gift that keeps on giving. Most especially, in the matter of communications.

When Johnson said that wanted to lose some weight, he added that he would not go vegan. Why, pray tell? Johnson replied that veganism is “a crime against cheese lovers.”

From CNN:

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson says he wants to lose weight in 2020, but won't go vegan because it means giving up cheese.

In an interview with the BBC, the British Prime Minister said that while he wanted to slim down this year, he would not be taking part in Veganuary, the annual campaign encouraging people to stick to a plant-based diet for the first month of the year, because it "requires so much concentration".

Johnson said that while he takes his "hat off to vegans who can handle it, who manage to avoid all non-vegan products," he added that avoiding animal products is "a crime against cheese lovers."


  1. I don't know why vegans think vegetables are willing to die. P.S. I love Boris

  2. Veganism: Sustenance for the last men. Bug man diet.
