Saturday, September 19, 2020

Remembering RBG

Remembering RBG, from the son of her dear friend Antonin Scalia:

Christopher Scalia also shared a passage written by Federal Judge Jeffrey Sutton, a former law clerk to Scalia, in which Sutton described the “striking evidence of the Scalia-Ginsburg relationship” he witnessed while working for the judge — in the form of two dozen roses Scalia once gifted Ginsburg for her birthday.

Sutton recalled telling his boss: “Wow, I doubt I have given a total of 24 roses to my wife in almost 30 years of marriage.”

“You ought to try it sometime,” Scalia replied.

When Sutton pointed out the roses didn’t seem to sway Ginsburg when the two disagreed on the bench, Scalia said “some things are more important than votes.”


  1. This says more about Scalia than Ginsburg. But then, he deserves to have more said about him.

  2. I will file the Scalia RBG stories in the same bin with those about Reagan and Tip O’Neill, under “apocryphal”. The only value to this event is it allows me to peer into the inner lives of average American wahmen, who eagerly post their emotions on social media, competing with one another for the best performance of public grieving. Tears, dust, television, and suggestibility. Nothing but cardboard cutouts, NPC characters as far as the eye can see. No matter how hard you try, ladies, you’ll never top the grief expressed when Kim Jong-il died.

  3. This is what happens when you put off your retirement so that the first woman president can choose your successor. Now you might well be replaced by your worst nightmare. Oops!

  4. No matter how hard you try, ladies, you’ll never top the grief expressed when Kim Jong-il died.

    Oh, I'm holding out hope that RBG's funeral will give Ayatollah Khomeini's a run for its money.
