Thursday, November 19, 2020

Anti-Racism Drives Megyn Kelly from New York

Another set of New York parents is leaving the city. This time the decision made news because one of the parents is Megyn Kelly, former Fox and NBC celebrity. 

Kelly explained on her podcast that she is not very conservative herself and that she is happy to have liberal friends. The tipping point came when her sons’ private school, apparently The Collegiate School, circulated an anti-racism letter to parents. Written by a semi-literate zealot from New Orleans, the letter told parents how to ensure that their white children did not become killer cops. You get the tone.

For those who do not live in NYC, Collegiate is one of the best and most prestigious private schools in the city. It costs approximately $55,900 a year in tuition, and that of course is just the beginning. Many parents would sell their souls to gain admission for their children. The school is all-male.

As for the contents of the letter, addressed to parents who belonged to what is called a diversity group, the Daily Mail reports:

She said that the letter asserted that white children are inherently racist, that 'there is a killer cop sitting in every school where white children learn' and that 'white school districts across the country [are] full of future killer cops.'

It adds that white people enjoyed their 'state-sanctioned depravity' as black people are killed.

The piece, written by Orleans Public Education Network Executive Director Nahliah Webber, continued: 'They gleefully soak in their whitewashed history that downplays the holocaust of indigenous native peoples and Africans in the Americas. 

'They happily believe their all-white spaces exist as a matter of personal effort and willingly use violence against black bodies to keep those spaces white.'

'As black bodies drop like flies around us by violence at white hands, how can we in any of our minds conclude that whites are all right?' the article added.

'White children are left unchecked and unbothered in their schools, homes, and communities to join, advance, and protect systems that take away black life.

'I am tired of white people reveling in their state-sanctioned depravity, snuffing out black life with no consequences.'

'Where’s the urgency for school reform for white kids being indoctrinated in black death and protected from the consequences?' Webber also asked. 

'Where are the government-sponsored reports looking into how White mothers are raising culturally deprived children who think Black death is okay?'  

In the spirit of charity we will not comment on this rant. Having been circulated by one of the leading private schools in New York City, and perhaps the country, it shows the extent to which schools have given themselves over to anti-racist propaganda. These top flight schools want to teach white children to hate themselves for being white. And they teach that black on black crime, the cause of most of the deaths of blacks is caused by white policemen.

We admire Kelly for taking a public stand against this indoctrination. If only more parents would do the same.


  1. "...the letter told parents how to ensure that their white children did not become cop killers."

    s/b "killer cops", stuart.

