Monday, April 26, 2021

Bill Maher against the Young Adult Generation

If you didn’t see it and have not read it, you missed something. Bill Maher issued forth with an excellent monologue the other night. It’s worth quoting, via The Daily Wire and Maggie’s Farm.

In it Maher took out after the young adult generation, denouncing them for holding some incredibly stupid ideas. That is, they are true believing ideologues, to the point where they hold fast to their ideas, even when reality has shown them to be majorly awful.

You know the reason why advertisers in this country love the 18 to 34 demographic? Because it’s the most gullible. Yeah. A third of people under 35 say they’re in favor of abolishing the police — not defunding, but doing away with a police force altogether, which is less of a policy position and more of a leg tattoo. Thirty-six percent of millennials think it might be a good idea to try communism, but much of the world did try it. I know, millennials think that doesn’t count because they weren’t alive when it happened. But it did happen. And there are people around who remember it. Pining for communism? It’s like pining for Betamax or Myspace. So when you say you’re old, you don’t get it. Get what? Abolish the police and the Border Patrol and capitalism and cancel Lincoln? No, I get it. The problem isn’t that I don’t get what you’re saying or that I’m old. The problem is that your ideas are stupid.

Indeed, these products of America’s educational establishment cannot think. They have been brainwashed to the point where they will happily embrace any leftist ideological meme, because they want to belong to the cool kids gang-- and they are afraid of being canceled.

Maher continued:

Twenty percent of Gen Z agree with the statement, ‘society would be better off if all property was owned by the public and managed by the government,’ and another 29% saying they don’t know if that’s a good idea. Here’s who does know: anyone who wasn’t born yesterday.


  1. I don't think it's a coincidence that the age group in question is also the one that most recently had the majority of their property bought and their lifestyle funded by a third party, i.e. their parents.

  2. So now Maher recognizes and recoils at the sight of the golem he and others of his ilk in the dominant media culture created. Too little, too late? I sincerely hope not, but I wait for others holding seats of media and government power to join him in his denunciations. Won't be holding my breath while waiting, however.
