Sunday, August 15, 2021

Joe Biden, Misogynist?

They’re spinning as fast as they can. CNN was reporting on the fall of Kabul this morning, extensively and honestly. Hats off to CNN.

Joe Biden, having shown the world what an inept fool he is, issued a statement blaming it all on Trump. As noted yesterday, if that’s what they’re selling, no one’s buying.

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken made a fool of himself by having his spokesman declare that:

Our collective first priority has always been the safety, security, and well-being of Afghan civilians. 

And Nancy Pelosi sent out another strong message to the Taliban:

The Taliban must know that the world is watching its actions. We are deeply concerned about reports regarding the Taliban’s brutal treatment of all Afghans, especially women and girls.

Thereby she showed herself to be pathetic, even by her own standards. 

As for the fallout of the Biden policy, and, if you prefer its inept implementation, we go to Sarah Vine, from The Daily Mail. For the record she is married to conservative politician, Michael Gove.

As we have underscored here, Vine emphasizes that the Biden policy is straight-up misogyny, a betrayal of Afghan women:

By withdrawing America’s peace-keeping forces and abandoning the country to the Taliban’s oppression and extremism, Mr Biden has condemned the women and girls of Afghanistan to a living nightmare that will strip them of their human rights, subject them to acts of unspeakable violence – and deprive them of the right to work, study or live as equals.

Afghan women and girls now face the same horrors perpetrated against the Yazidi women in Syria – raped and tortured and held as sex slaves for Islamist ‘warriors’ – or like Malala Yousafzai (who won a Nobel Prize after being shot in the head by the Pakistan Taliban for daring to go to school). What stood between women and the brutality of extreme Islam is fleeing the country – and the misogynistic violence is rising like foetid flood water.

As the self-styled soldiers of this medieval cult seize control of ever more towns and villages – they now hold half of the country’s 24 provincial capitals – women are already being forced to submit to their draconian laws or face the consequences.

Vine’s opinion of her own prime minister is not very positive:

As for Boris Johnson, he justifies our withdrawal by saying there ‘isn’t a military solution’ in Afghanistan. But there never was. The Allied forces being in Afghanistan was never about Western occupation; it was about holding back the tide of extremism – a worthwhile and, until recently, broadly effective task – so that the people of Afghanistan weren’t forced to live under extreme religious laws.

The Biden administration has been fighting the good fight for equity and inclusion. It has had the Pentagon launch a witch hunt for white supremacists. To some it seemed like a harmless diversion. The women of Afghanistan are learning that it was merely a cover for abject cowardice.

Vine concludes:

As leader of the Free World, Mr Biden is the one person who has the power to halt this abuse. But he won’t because, ultimately, he’d rather spend his time virtue-signalling about trans rights and BLM than stand up for the rights of a poor 12-year-old girl forced into marriage in some dust-bowl on the other side of the world.

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