Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Donating Tuesday

By now you have doubtless heard that today has been named Giving Tuesday. Apparently, Tuesday felt deprived of a proper qualification, especially after Friday was pronounced Black and Monday was called Cyber. So, someone attached Giving to Tuesday. At the least, it's worth a post.

In principle, this is a way of inviting everyone to make donations to charitable enterprises. If the enterprises are properly charitable, the donations are properly tax deductible.

Alas, such is not the case for contributions to this blog. It is not a registered charity. Thus, those who donate during Donating Tuesday will receive extra credit for moral goodness, but no special consideration from the IRS.

This is another way to thank you for your past and future generosity. It is much appreciated.

If you believe that this blog merits some well-earned financial support, you can contribute by clicking on the orange Donate button, on the left side of this page. The folks at Paypal will help you to contribute as much as you would like. You can make a one time holiday contribution or a monthly contribution.

And, you can also contribute by doing your Christmas shopping at Amazon. If you enter the Amazon site by clicking the Amazon ad at the left of this page, a percentage of each purchase price will be credited to your humble blogger. Thus, you can support the blog-- at no extra cost.

If you do not wish to use Paypal, I gratefully accept checks or cash sent to my address:

            310 East 46th St. 24H

            New York, NY   10017

Since this is a week-long fundraising campaign, I will be repeating this post several other times throughout the week. Be prepared.

 Thank you in advance.

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