Sunday, January 16, 2022

Biden Administration Ignores Anti-Semitism

Let’s see, a Muslim man takes hostages in a Dallas area synagogue. White House press secretary Jen Psaki tweets as follows:

.@POTUS has been briefed about the developing hostage situation in the Dallas area. He will continue to receive updates from his senior team as the situation develops.  Senior members of the national security team are also in touch with federal law enforcement leadership.

Did you notice what is missing in this statement?

Matt Margolis did not. 

It’s curious that Psaki failed to mention that the hostage situation was in a synagogue, wouldn’t you agree? While details are slim right now, it’s very clear that the hostage-taker is Muslim, and he’s targeted Jewish people in their place of worship. Biden and members of his administration are never at a loss for words when it comes to hate crimes or even gun violence that fits a certain narrative.

Perhaps the tweet wouldn’t have seemed suspiciously devoid of information about who the victims and the perpetrator are if Biden and the Democrats didn’t have a habit of turning a blind eye to the violence that doesn’t fit their preferred narrative. Had it been a white supremacist taking hostages at a black church, I doubt those details would have gone unmentioned.

It reminds us of the time when some Muslim terrorists shot up a kosher supermarket in Paris. When asked whether the incident had anything to do with anti-Semitism, then president Obama refused to pronounce the words.

And yet, liberal Jews continue to imagine that they have friends in the Democratic Party.


  1. Yet again, if Hitler were non-white . . .

  2. And Michigan AG Dana Nessel (who purports to me a lesbian member of our Tribe), will definitely be first:
