Monday, December 19, 2022

Sam Brinton; Former Biden Administration Tranny

 Trust me, no one much cares what Sam Brinton wears when he lounges around his house. If he sports the latest in Parisian frocks, it is his business and the business of anyone who cares to share his transvestite fetish. One remarks, to be clear, that cross dressing, in transvestism is not the same as transgenderism, which involves hormones and surgery.

 In any event Brinton was a bureaucrat working in the Biden administration. Don Surber did not approve. (Via Maggie’s Farm)

The media hailed Sam Brinton as the first transvestite to serve as the deputy assistant secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy.

The rest of us knew bald, mustachioed men in dresses should not be running the government because if they cannot govern themselves, how can they govern others?

Alas, there is a reason why offices require dress codes, and why they actively encourage everyone to dress professionally. The alternative distracts and confuses.

As you might know Brinton has just been fired. He was caught stealing women’s luggage and clothes. He is being prosecuted:

He has been charged with stealing women's luggage at two airports. The Biden administration canned him. If the charges are true, they show a man who is a slave to his impulses. He needs a checkup from the neck up.

The problem is advertising a deviant lifestyle, that is, foisting it on people who are not in on the joke and who go to the office to work, not to be tricked into Sam is short for Samantha. 

In today’s America, in the Biden administration, people are apparently allowed to make of themselves a public spectacle, and if you do not like it, shut up: We have gotten beyond rules and standards-- and apparently professional competence

But he's LGBT and therefore exempt in our society from rules and standards.

If you do not like it, you are a bigot:

But half the country now believes LGBT teachers have the right to blab about their weekend orgy. A law to ban this kind of talk in Florida faced opposition from Disney.

Librarians meanwhile are demanding that schools stock books that depict children engaged in homosexual activity. The laws against child pornography need to be enforced.

What does this have to do with our drag princess nuclear engineer?

Surber reports on the influence that one Sam Brinton exercised:

Fox reported, "Sam Brinton, the non-binary former federal government official who is now facing the possibility of significant prison time, played a key role in developing a model school policy adopted in multiple states that instructs school districts to keep 'unaffirming' parents in the dark about a potentially suicidal child’s gender identity or sexual orientation.

"Brinton, a biological male who gained notoriety for being one of the U.S. government’s first non-binary officials, was recently fired from the Office of Nuclear Energy, an agency of the Department of Energy, after being charged with stealing airport luggage on multiple occasions.

"Before joining the federal government, Brinton was in charge of advocacy and government affairs at the LGBTQ youth suicide prevention nonprofit The Trevor Project, where he helped craft a 'Model School District Policy on Suicide Prevention' in 2019 along with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the American School Counselor Association and the National Association of School Psychologists.

"Brinton cheered the model at the time, saying it’s imperative for school suicide prevention policies to be LGBTQ competent."

1 comment:

  1. If you ever wanted to see what happens when the inmates take over the asylum, I give you: America in 2022. I can't wait to see what's next.
