Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Indoctrination, American Style

You might imagine that the right wing is becoming completely overwrought about diversity, equity and inclusion training. You might imagine that it’s all a bunch of exaggeration foisted on us by overheated conservative brains.

And yet, alas, the Wall Street Journal has gone through some of the material that is being used by agencies of the American government to indoctrinate staff and it turns out to be worse than even I had imagined.

Let’s try a few examples:

The Department of Veterans Affairs has a gender gingerbread person. NASA says beware of micro-inequities. And if U.S. Army servicewomen express “discomfort showering with a female who has male genitalia,” what’s the brass’s reply? Talk to your commanding officer, but toughen up.

The U. S. Army, having long since abandoned the notion that it should fight and win wars, now has a transgender policy:

Asked for its diversity training, the U.S. Army offered three modules on transgender policy, one for “Commanders at all levels,” another for “Special Staff,” and a third for “Units and Soldiers.” Notable is a series of vignettes that cover pronoun usage, urinalysis observation, and a serviceman who wants “to discuss his newly confirmed pregnancy.” With respect to showers, schedules can be adjusted or curtains installed. But a soldier’s gender in the Army’s system governs which facilities are used. Accommodating only a transgender soldier is prohibited.

And, of course, anti-racism training has seeped into the manuals:

A NASA training on “Allyship for Executives” says that the term “African American” is “utilized heavily in white spaces,” and it “can make Black people feel excluded as the term tends to ‘other.’” Another NASA slide series explains that inclusive leaders “are willing to be ‘uncomfortable’” in exploring “race, gender, sexual orientation” and so forth. “We have been taught to act as if we are colorblind and gender-neutral,” it adds, but “these efforts actually limit us.”

Of course, the Biden presidency has been front and center on these matters:

But one lesson is that there is now a conveyor belt from academia to the diversity-industrial complex. The portmanteau “misogynoir” was coined in 2010 on a blog called Crunk Feminist Collective. Eleven years later it’s in a training for government workers.

This type of re-education was accelerated by President Biden’s 2021 executive order directing agencies to “increase the availability and use of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility training.” It’s a form of political indoctrination intended to impose woke values on the vast federal bureaucracy and U.S. military.

Who had ever imagined that political indoctrination would take over the American military. And you were worried about the CCP? Time to wake up and smell the coffee.


  1. Mwahahahahaha...

  2. This is all intentional. A divided country is easier to control and rule over. Just like the open borders is intentional to bring in replacement voters and give them your assets as free stuff to induce them to vote for the party giving away free housing, food, medical care and money. The country is $31 trillion in debt and we are in an inflationary period which will over time increase the debt payment to a level greater than our current federal budget. What then? And that pretty rough scenario is the best we can hope for with WW III looming against one or both of the other two nuclear powers. There is a shit show coming that has no precedent in world history. A lot of people are going to die and they may be the lucky ones because most of those who luck out and live will suffer for years perhaps decades.

  3. With the amount of attention given to the trans issue one would think bathrooms, sports teams, and military units are full of trans people but in reality it's 1% of the population effecting less than 1% of the situations we find ourselves in. I'm tired of hearing about it from conservatives and blue haired Smith grads alike.

  4. I don't understand why the 31 trillion debt is such a big deal. Three quarters of it is owed to investors and if the country gets to the point it can't afford to repay the debt, simply default. That would reduce the debt to a much more manageable seven or eight trillion. After all, isn't investing taking a chance? It's like making a bet. The bondholders would get burned, but that's the price you pay when you take a chance and bet on investing. They may never buy another bond, but that would be good for the country as it would curtail the vast amount of wasteful spending. The money simply wouldn't be there.

  5. Here is why the $31 trillion debt is such a big deal. We won't "default" OR we won't "default" early enough to save our ass. What we will do is pay literally trillions each year for the interest on the debt AND most importantly CUT critical spending like national defense. We will do this for years out of some pride or other silly reason rather than default.

    What we should do is not default but simply print and pay it all off. Yes that will cause economic problems but they would be far less severe than years and years of paying trillions on interest, ESPECIALLY if we default in the end anyway. This step should be accompanied by a law requiring balanced budgets. (And yes I know there is no real way to force congress to write balanced budgets but we should at least try.) Do it in secret on a long weekend so that no one can profit from it or avoid the same negative side effects all the rest of us would endure.

    But, what am I thinking? This would imply we have honest, thinking, intelligent politicians with America's best interest at heart.

  6. Diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry) [Inequity, Exclusion] (DIE) denies individual dignity, individual conscience, intrinsic value, normalizes color blocs (e.g. people of color), color quotas, and affirmative discrimination. Diversity [dogma] includes but is not limited to racism, sexism, ageism. That said, diversity of individuals, minority of one.

    Sex is genetic: male and female. Gender is phenotypic: masculine and feminine, sex-correlated attributes (e.g. sexual orientation).

    Trans- refers to a state or process of divergence. The transgender spectrum disorder includes homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals, and conversions (i.e. medical, surgical, and/or psychiatric corruption). Probably trans-socials (e.g. transvestites), too.

    The debt is sustained with growing deficits forced by single/central/monopolistic solutions primarily in the medical sector (i.e. Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacares - 80% unfunded) that are managed through pay it forward redistributive schemes including shared responsibility (e.g. progressive prices a.k.a. inflation). Biden's academic debt relocation exacerbated the problem, with Green deals that are first-order forcings of catastrophic anthropogenic climate change, compounded by the multi-trillion dollar budgetary suggestion.

    Throw another baby... fetal-baby... person of pink on the barbie, a wicked solution with precedents, it's over. Perhaps the Slavic Spring in the World War Spring series will manage to reset some of the accumulated "inertia."
