Thursday, April 13, 2023

A Tale of Two Religions

You will probably not recognize the name of Audrey Hale. For reasons that are not perhaps as opaque as they seem, her name and her cause have been conveniently erased from public consciousness. 

After all, she shot up a Christian school, murdering three children and three adults last week. 

To which the Biden administration has shown a remarkable insouciance. It has held up distribution of Hale’s manifesto and has not sent anyone to Nashville to comfort the families of the victims or even other community members. It has not received victims' relatives at the White House.

So much for the administration’s much-vaunted capacity for empathy. At the least, the behavior suggests that the lives of Christians do not count as much as do the lives of certain others.

But, certain state legislators decided that it was a good time to throw a public tantrum. Three of them led an insurrection against the state government, behavior which led to their being expelled from the august body.

The tantrum involved gun control. Yet again, certain segments of the American population, faced with gun violence, have chosen to blame the guns. For some strange reason it refused to hold Audrey Hale to account. After all, she considered herself a he and thus became part of an oppressed class. She became a martyr for a cause. And we cannot blame victims.

So, we are dealing with two competing religions. On the one side is traditional Christianity. On the other is modern woke religion, the kind that elevates victims of traditional Christianity. Strangely, if not so strangely, a woke religion that grants itself a political purpose feels a great deal like Jeremiah Wright’s Black Liberation Theology. As you know, BLT is an unholy amalgam of Marxism and Catholicism, whose purpose is to overthrow the capitalist Protestant order.

Anyway, when the Tennessee legislature expelled two representatives for indecorous behavior, the bleep hit the fan. All of a sudden, the issue was clear. It was not about mass murder. It was not about transgenderism. It was about racism.

Our mentally challenged vice president Kamala Harris flew to Nashville, not to comfort the families of the victims, but to channel her inner Jeremiah Wright and to rant and rave about racism. It was as though Kamala had been sleepwalking and now awoke to a subject that she could feel to the roots of her marrow.

Obviously, the Biden Justice Department is all-in with the revolution. Just last week a woman named Maeve Nota trashed and vandalized a Catholic Church in Bellevue Washington. As it happened Maeve Nota considers herself a man, and thus is, according to the terms of the new religion, a victim, a martyr.

Then again she was expressing her feelings, and when victims of the patriarchy express their feelings, they ought not to suffer any serious punishment. Keep in mind, the Biden administration has been tracking extremists within the Catholic Church. Thereby, the old religion is supposedly being replaced by the new woke religion.

Robert Spencer explains what happened:

While the FBI has been sending spies into Catholic churches, hunting for “domestic terrorism,” Old Joe Biden’s laughably named “Justice” Department has just offered what Fox News calls a “sweetheart plea deal” to a woman who claims to be a man and who smashed doors, destroyed a statue of the Virgin Mary, assaulted a church staffer, and sprayed graffiti at a Catholic church in Washington state. There isn’t even the pretense of fairness anymore. The double standard is glaring and obvious….

According to the police report, Nota threw quite a tantrum: “She was crying hysterically, yelling obscenities, & refused to identify herself. At one point, when in the seated position, Nota threw herself to the ground & began rolling down the small grass hill… According to witness, Nota shouted, ‘F**k you! F**k the church! The church is grooming kids!’ Among the graffiti per police: ‘women haters’ ‘rot in your fake hell’ ‘abusers’ ‘kid f***ers’ ‘we hate women’ ‘kid groomers’ ‘we hate gay people.’” One thing you can say about Leftists: they always pour on the charm. Who could resist this lovely lady’s appeal to reason?

Of course, the Biden Justice Department chose to allow Nota an easy plea bargain.

Obviously, we are not suffering an administration that believes in the equal application of the law. The Biden presidency has chosen to pit the old religion against the new religion. It has chosen to discriminate actively against the old Christian religions and in favor of BLT, a radical political movement, disguised as a religion. 

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