Friday, June 23, 2023

Transgender Ideology Exposed

What does it say about our culture when physicians are afraid to speak the truth about transgenderism, for fear of being ostracized from their profession? What does it say when a physician at a major hospital feels the need to speak anonymously about the science of gender differences? 

At the least, it suggests a form of mass hysteria, where medical and paramedical professionals are conspiring, perhaps not even knowing that they are, to foist a false narrative on the public. The price of this false narrative is human sacrifice, hundreds of mutilated children.

We note that a number of idiot congresspeople were heard to intone their mantra-- trans rights are human rights-- as though this answers all questions and justifies mutilating children.

As for the ideology, the anonymous physician shares his thoughts with Christopher Rufo (via Maggie’s Farm).

He begins by explaining the tenets of trans ideology:

One, when an individual believes he or she is of a certain sex, he or she is truly of that sex. Two, the ideal response is to affirm that individual’s preferred identity. Three, the repercussion of nonintervention is a higher likelihood of that individual committing suicide. The threat of suicide removes any of the guardrails for what we must do to affirm that individual’s identity. Puberty blockers become justified at 11 years old. Hormones become justified at 13 years old. Double mastectomy becomes justified before 18.

Such is the conventional wisdom. If you disagree with it you will be shut down and shut up. Besides, federal judges-- doubtless appointed by Democrats-- have now declared laws prohibiting surgical intervention on children to be unacceptable.

The physician explains to Rufo that other medical professionals are in a bind. They bought the ideology; they ignored reality to embrace an ideology. And now, they need to pretend that they did not simply get duped. They need to protect themselves against their knowledge that they have compromised their medical ethics to become instruments of an absurd pagan ideology. 

Dare we say that true believers must know somewhere in the inner sanctum of their dark hearts, that they are being used as instruments of child sacrifice. This means that they will go to great lengths to shut up anyone who tries to make clear what they are really doing. As I have suggested before, and as the anonymous physician suggests, transgenderism puts us in the world of human sacrifice. True enough, Judeo-Christianity abhors these practices, but alas, medical professionals imagine that they are following the science.

I believe it’s because they’ve bought into the false ideology of transgenderism. And when people have a false ideology, they need a way to separate themselves from nonbelievers and to express their faith to other believers. And if these rituals are not derived from a cultural heritage with a moral tradition, they become susceptible to unbound human depravity. When you look at the Judeo-Christian tradition, you have the outlawing of child sacrifice and other ways that standards were codified. But in the transgender ideology, none of these guardrails exist. So, what becomes the greatest expression of faith to other believers? To sacrifice the most pure and innocent. Once they do that, they become heroes. They become martyrs. They have their flag hung up at the White House. And there’s no going back, because if they were to demonstrate any degree of humility, they would have to come to terms with the fact that they advocated for and participated in a practice that destroyed the lives of innocent children.

And, here is another sobering analysis. The physician explains what puberty blockers do to children. You have doubtless heard the lies about how these hormone injections are perfectly safe, even though they are not approved for such usage. And you have heard that their effects are fully reversible. Which is not true.

The physician explains:

One of the things I’ve been thinking about is what puberty blockers do to children. This medication is called a “gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist” and it comes in the form of monthly injections or an implant. And because it simulates the activity of this hormone, it shuts down the activity of the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is this almond-sized structure in your brain, it’s one of the most primal structures we have, and it controls all the other hormonal structures in your body—your sexual development, your emotions, your fight-or-flight response, everything. But it shouldn’t be described in such cold physiological terms because your hypothalamus is not just a hormone factory. It’s this system that allows you to stand in awe of the beauty of a sunset, or to hear the sounds of orchestral music and to stop whatever you’re doing and want to listen. And I always think that if someone were to ask me, Where is it that you would look for the divine spark in each individual? I would say that it would be somewhere “beneath the inner chamber,” which is the Greek derivation of the term hypothalamus. To shut down that system is to shut down what makes us human.

Details, details. It is an unmitigated horror. But, if you do not believe it your license to practice medicine might well be canceled.

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  1. It doesn't seem like it's mass hysteria, because so many regular people wouldn't want their own children to be given puberty blockers and this goes way beyond transgender.

    There seems to be a general feeling that the people in charge of the narrative, like politicians, journalists and upper management are out of their minds and will tolerate no deviation from the party line.

    Transgenderism requires people to sacrifice their own children, and that is the craziest requirement that comes to mind.

  2. It is the people in charge of the narrative. Politicians, the media, and the upper management. Most of them are not innocent. But when you do something this evil, how can you back down? The Pagan Carthaginians sacrificing children to Baal comes to mind. I don't think average people are completely convinced, and this is not the democracy we are promised.
    And my heart goes out to people like doctors, teachers and counselors who are being crushed by this system.
