Saturday, October 21, 2023

Saaturday Miscellany

First, on a lighter note, the satirical Babylon Bee offers this commentary:

Biden Offers The Palestinians $100 Million In Exchange For None Of The Hostages.

Second, President Biden announced that we should not confuse Hamas with the Palestinians in Gaza. 

And yet, Hamas has a 57% approval rating in Gaza.

As for a two state solution, Daniel Greenfield has reported that more than 70% of Gazans do not want to live alongside of Jews.

Third, it needs to be mentioned, Israel, with the support of America, offered work visas to 20,000 Gazans-- to give them an opportunity to earn a living. They welcomed them into their homes and treated them like neighbors.

So much for the imprisonment trope.

While the Israelis were welcoming them, they were collecting intelligence on how best to kill Jews.

Remember the line from the old song, by the Who: “Won’t get fooled again.”

Fourth, from the Twitter account of Robby Starbuck:

The President of the United States says he wants Hamas to learn how to shoot straight. Reflect on that. He wants terrorists to be more accurate when they fire rockets at Israel. His brain belongs at a bingo game eating jello, NOT being the President.

Fourth, as you know, the president of the University of Pennsylvania has been weak and mealy mouthed in her pseudo-denunciations of Hamas terrorism. Thanks to her leadership, Penn donors are lining up to close their checkbooks. They refuse to contribute to such an institution.

But, fear not, the Penn faculty senate just took a vote telling donors to shove their money:

An incredible Faculty Senate statement in which the professors tell Penn donors & alums they can take their money and shove it, all with a subtle vibe of "you Jews can't manipulate us with your money." Penn alums, why would you give to this broken institution?

Fifth, when it comes to diplomacy, the Biden administration has a great deal to learn. Consider that Secretary of State Antony Blinken traveled to Saudi Arabia to consult with the Crown Prince on his latest foray into shuttle diplomacy.

The Crown Prince kept Blinken waiting for hours, and then canceled the meeting.

This is not the way you treat people you respect.

Sixth, in the world of infiltration, the American government contains supporters of Hamas and Iran.


Luke Rosiak offered this on his Twitter:

The Department of Homeland Security hired a literal former spokesperson for the PLO and put her in charge of vetting "asylum" seekers While working as an Asylum Officer, she remained an open pro-Hamas extremist who hates all Jews who don't condemn Israel.

Seventh, an Iranian official who works at the Pentagon will keep her security clearance and her job. The New York Post reports:

An Iranian-born Pentagon official is to keep her top-level security clearance despite being named as part of a covert influence campaign run by Tehran — and being called a “spy” by Republicans.

Ariane Tabatabai appeared to be a willing recruit in the covert influence operation run by Tehran’s Foreign Ministry, according to a trove of leaked files revealed last month by Semafor.

She was previously a key aide to the suspended Iran envoy Robert Malley, whose secret ties to Tehran sparked congressional uproar.

Eighth, the latest from Canada, nationalized health care treats depression with assisted suicide. 

From Stuart Mauro’s Twitter:

A country that makes you wait 3 years to see a psychiatrist for Major Depressive Disorder but offers to kill you within 3 months of signing up for euthanasia on the grounds that you can't access mental health care is not engaged in public health policy; it's engaged in eugenics.

Ninth, in the world of go woke/go broke, Bud Light is not alone. 

Victoria’s Secret-- you know what they do-- had decided to replace its ravishingly beautiful models with a more representative contingent. Overweight models, transgendered models, feminists, whatever.

As a result, their profits fell. The New York Post has the story:

Lingerie chain Victoria’s Secret is reportedly ditching its woke, feminist makeover of recent years as it hasn’t translated to business success.

Since the brand decided to move away from its “hyper-sexualized” image – as described it in a recent article – Victoria’s Secret has seen a significant revenue drop.

As such, it has looked to revamp itself and bring back “sexiness,” the outlet noted in a piece that was also published by editorial partner CNN on Tuesday.

Cathaleen Chen reported that the brand’s efforts to promote inclusivity – which included making LGBTQ pro women’s soccer player and outspoken leftist Megan Rapinoe, as well as a transgender woman, brand spokesmodels and getting rid of its famous “Angels” supermodels – gained “favorable reviews from online critics [but] never translated into sales.”

According to the numbers, the lingerie brand’s projected revenue for 2023 is $6.2 billion, which is 5% lower than it was last year, and even lower than 2020, when the brand’s revenue was $7.5 billion. 

Tenth, Sarah Beth Burwick offers this on Twitter:

It’s currently more socially acceptable to say “death to the Jews” than to say “men cannot get pregnant.”

Eleventh, as for the outpouring of anti-Semitism, across American college campuses and across Europe, the British Tory government explained that the nation had allowed in far too many of a certain kind of immigrant.

The Daily Mail has the story:

Failure to integrate huge numbers of migrants into UK life has fuelled 'normalisation' of Israel hatred and anti-Semitism in Britain, counter-extremism commissioner warns.

In fairness, the more people you admit from an ethnic group the less likely they are to integrate. They will simply transport their cultural habits to their new home.

Twelfth, how many times have you heard that people suffering from mental illnesses should advertise their condition, the better to increase awareness?

And how many times have you heard the truth, namely, that the more we talk about these conditions, the more they become a social contagion. 

Today, young people, especially girls, are suffering from manifold emotional disturbances. Among them, the social contagion about transgenderism. It is being sold to girls as a cure for whatever ails them.

Mia at CryMiaRiver on Twitter offers this reality check:

Karen Carpenter's tragic battle triggered a social contagion of anorexia; Princess Diana's public struggle with bulimia had the same effect. 

The book Sybil kicked off the multiple personality disorder epidemic in the 80s. Running parallel to that was the Satanic Panic, set off by the book Michelle Remembers. As a result, thousands of lives were destroyed. 

As cutting started to appear in movies and TV shows, the number of teens self-harming increased, and when TikTok influencers with Tourette's launched to fame, adolescent girls began experiencing TikTok tics. 

Mental illnesses are inextricably entwined with the cultural fads and whims of the era in which they arise. Our celebration of the likes of Jazz Jennings and Ellen Page captures the minds of young people, plants the dangerous idea that the discomfort and anguish of puberty can be miraculously solved with drugs and surgeries, sending many down the same devastating path to destruction. 

Children and adolescents no more need trans role models than they do anorexic or bulimic role models. Every time we celebrate a celebrity coming out as trans, we sacrifice countless young people to the horror of this medical atrocity.

Well stated, and true.

Thirteen, not to be outdone in its anti-Semitism, the newspaper that worked to cover up the Holocaust, has now hired a reporter who once praised Hitler. Well, at least he wasn’t a MAGA Republican. 

The New York Post has the story:

A New York Times reporter who came under fire last year for a praising Adolf Hitler in multiple resurfaced Facebook posts was rehired by the Gray Lady to cover the Israel-Palestine war.

Palestinian filmmaker Soliman Hijjy hailed the Nazi leader as recently as 2018 in a post on Facebook, when he shared a photo of himself captioned that he was “in a state of harmony as Hitler was during the Holocaust,” per a translation from Arabic by pro-Israel media watchdog site HonestReporting.

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1 comment:

  1. Victoria's Secret target market was men, not women. Hard to understand the misperception of the executive team.
