Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Wednesday Potpourri

First, former President Obama offered a balanced approach to the current conflict in Israel and Gaza:

That what Hamas did was horrific and there's no justification for it. And what is also true is that the occupation and what's happening to Palestinians is unbearable.

It’s moral equivalence as a reductio ad absurdum. In truth, when people are at war, you need to take a side. Refusing to take a side, saying that each side is responsible implies that the Israelis are responsible for what happened to them.

Now, Liel Liebowitz explains in The New York Post that Barack Hussein’s hands are not exactly clean. It’s a j’accuse moment:

It's you, because you're the one who gave that stentorian speech about red lines in Syria and then sat by and did nothing as those red lines were crossed and Assad continued to slaughter his own people, allowing the Iranians and the Russians to creep in and fill the vacuum left by your devastating lack of leadership.

It's you, because you're the one who came up with the idea of empowering Iran, the world's premiere exporter of terrorism, Holocaust denial, and chaos, all the while telling the American people you were merely trying to stop Teheran from getting a nuclear bomb. Billions of dollars and thousands of dead later, we can all see how well this idea—which you, with the eloquence only a professor could muster, called "regional integration"—is working.

It's you, because you're the one who delivered a parting gift to the region, ending your final term as president by reversing four decades of American bipartisan support of Israel and abstaining from a U.N. vote condemning Israeli settlements, while funneling $400 million in annual payments to the despotic Palestinian Authority, which then promptly used this money to fund its pay-for-slay program, doling out large cash payments to any Palestinian who murdered Jews.

Second,  the Democratic Party is losing Jewish support. It should not come as a surprise. 

What does come as something of a surprise is that more and more Jewish Democrats are turning to Fox News. So sayeth the Daily Mail:

Fox News, long a preferred source of news for the right, has lately become an information refuge for American Jews who believe that the mainstream media has been too hostile to Israel.

It’s somewhat of an improbable alliance. Jews overwhelmingly identify as Democrats. And as the Republican Party came to embrace a more populist brand of politics that vilifies “globalist” corporate interests and wealthy liberal businessmen like George Soros — something many see as coded antisemitism — Fox News hosts and guests promoted those views.

But more than any of the major cable news channels — and perhaps more than any other major American media outlet — Fox News has wrapped itself in the Israeli flag in the weeks since the Hamas attack. Its coverage tends to emphasize the radical and antisemitic elements of the pro-Palestinian opposition, particularly on college campuses, while playing down the civilian casualties from Israeli strikes.

In recent days, a Fox News White House correspondent has sparred with President Biden’s press secretary over whether the administration would label anti-Israel demonstrators “extremists.” Its hosts have criticized the White House for announcing this week that it would put in place a national strategy to fight Islamophobia while hate crimes against Jews are on the rise. It debuted a new section on its website this week called “Antisemitism Exposed.”

As CNN and MSNBC went live on Tuesday with breaking news that Israel had bombed the Jabaliya neighborhood, the site of the largest refugee camp in Gaza, an entirely different scene was playing on Fox News: a segment from southern Israel reporting that two Israeli soldiers had been killed in battle and two others wounded.

Third, notable liberal Democrat Alan Dershowitz says that the alliance between liberal Jews and the Democratic Party is broken. For the record, orthodox Jews are, by a significant majority, Republicans.

Dershowitz in The Daily Mail:

The Democratic Party now faces a choice.

The Hamas atrocities of October 7th have forever fractured any political alliance between centrist and liberal Jews and woke, anti-Israel progressives….

Following the terrorist massacre of Israeli civilians and even before the military response, young woke progressives turned stridently against the Jewish State.

It was a knee-jerk reaction stimulated not by what Israel did – because it had done nothing to justify Hamas' brutality – but what Israel is: the nation state of the Jewish people.

In New York City, speakers at a rally endorsed by the Democratic Socialists of America (a group to which several members of Congress belong) celebrated the attacks.

Progressive students at many American universities issued statements, held banners, and participated in marches not in favor of a two-state solution which would establish a Palestinian state alongside Israel, but against the existence of Israel itself.

The dominant slogan at these events was 'Palestine will be free from the river to the sea.'

Fourth, Nordic nations are banding together to expel Muslim migrants from their midst:

Five European countries, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway & Sweden have agreed to cooperate in deportations of illegal migrants. They will share flights & expertise.

Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden announced a new agreement on Tuesday that they were to combine their efforts on removing migrants, saying they would launch joint deportation flights and other initiatives. The agreement came out of a two-day Nordic nations summit in Copenhagen where the group said they had come to a “strong commitment” to strengthen their cooperation on migrant returns.

As well as working together to get illegal migrants out of their nations and back to their countries of origin, the group also said they would launch a join initiative to help migrants who had left their homes and made it as far as North Africa — the embarkation point for dangerous smuggler boats across the Mediterranean to Europe — to go back to their places of origin too. This, the pact says, is a programme of “voluntary repatriation”.

Fifth, public opinion in Germany agrees. From Tyler Durden, of the Zero Hedge blog:

Nearly two-thirds of all German citizens want the country’s federal government to impose a ban on migration from predominantly Muslim nations, a damning survey has revealed.

Polling conducted by INSA on behalf of the Bild tabloid newspaper showed that 61 percent of respondents now advocate refusing any more migrants from Islamic countries with many explaining they no longer feel safe in their own country and believe an increasing number of new arrivals despise German society.

A majority of voters from every political party except for the German Green Party supported a ban on Muslim immigration.

And also,

A total of 60 percent of respondents admitted the ongoing protests, attended by large numbers of foreign nationals sympathetic to the Hamas cause, concern them, while 77 percent of Germans believe that a growing contingent of the country’s migrant population resents German society and Western values.

In a damning indictment of the federal government’s longstanding liberal migration policy adopted by both the current coalition government and the previous administration led by Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU), a total of 72 percent of respondents said they no longer agreed with the former chancellor’s remarks from 2015 when she told the nation, “We can do it!” in relation to taking in an unprecedented number of refugees.

Sixth, from Dan Poraz on Twitter, the scene from Gaza a few days ago:

Gaza this evening near the Shifa hospital. Public screening of video clips showing Hamas terrorists attacking IDF forces in northern Gaza. I don’t see any electricity shortage. Everybody’s with their cellphones, cheering to the clips.

Hamas Leader Mahmoud Al-Zahhar says Hamas will never lay down its arms. He then vows to annihilate not only the Jews but other nations as well: "Annihilation will be the fate not only of the Jews, but also of their helpers and of the people who trusted them, cooperated with them, and who betrayed their cause and their religion for personal interests.״

Regarding Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, Mahmoud Al-Zahhar pledged to destroy the American embassy in Jerusalem and take over the world: ״The Islamic expansion will go beyond what you expect for the benefit of all Mankind, all over the planet.״ This is how Hamas leaders promote war against Israel and the West. This rhetoric has no place in the twenty-first century. 

Seventh, remember Audrey Hale, the woman who thought she was a man and who shot up a Christian school in Nashville and murdered six people. She killed three nine-year olds and three adults.

Remember that young Audrey had written a manifesto, and that the authorities had been refusing to share it with the world.

Well, now we know why. Audrey had been radicalized by the anti-white rhetoric mouthed by certain politicians. She was fighting the good fight against white supremacy and white privilege.

Mazemoore on Twitter:

With Biden constantly using the false threat of white supremacy to divide and scare people, it was just a matter of time before someone became radicalized and took matters into their own hands.

Need I tell you that the story was quickly censored by Facebook. Thank God for Twitter and for the Daily Mail.

Eighth, on the transmania front, South African runner Caster Semenya, who thinks he is a woman and who has competed as a woman, explained it all:

My testicles don't make me less of a woman.

The sad part is, people believe this, uncritically. Is that what it means to have mastered critical theory?

Ninth, a female student field hockey player was hit in the face by a shot delivered by a male opponent who was pretending to be female. She lost several teeth and suffered other head injuries:

A female student hockey player suffered horrific facial injuries after being struck by a full-force shot from a male opponent.


Footage of the horror accident saw the woman collapse and scream in agony after taking the shot to the face, with the male player's participation sparking backlash despite being allowed under Massachusetts law. 

The incident occurred Thursday between two varsity teams at Swampscott High School and Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School, with the former coming out on top thanks to two goals scored by the male player. 

Think about that, it's legal according to Massachusetts law. Someone should sue Massachusetts. Otherwise, female students should do what female grapplers did-- boycott events in which males pretending to be female are allowed to compete.

Tenth, my new book, Can’t We All Just Get Along is looking for a literary agent and a publisher. Please forward suggestions and recommendations to me personally at

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1 comment:

  1. Republican NYC council member Inna Vernikov, a Jewish Ukrainian immigrant, won re-election in her Brooklyn district yesterday with 68%. This after getting busted packing heat at a pro-Palestine rally nearby. Go Inna!

    It also appears that the GOP scored a council seat in the Bronx! Pardon me while I check the feral pigs whistling outside my door.

    There will be seven GOP members of the NYC council. I don't recall there ever being that many .
