Sunday, April 14, 2024

Julie Burchill on Transmania

Nothing quite like a little Julie Burchill with your morning coffee. As you might know Burchill is a famous British writer, someone who has given special meaning to being slightly off kilter. She has shown that if you need to be somewhat strange to write somewhat strange.

An interesting thought, but for another day.

Whatever the reason, Burchill is an excellent writer. Reading good writing contributes to your brain health. If you don’t believe me, try it.

Anyway, Burchill writes mostly about specifically British topics, so she is not very well known here. Yet, she is always fun to read and always writes very, very well. So, consider it a public service to bring her latest to your attention. 

The topic is transmania. In particular, she addresses the fallout from a new report, noted in these pages, about transgenderism, authored by one Dr. Hilary Cass. For the record, Cass is the head of the Royal College of Pediatric Medicine. She spent four years working on her report.

Thanks to the Cass Report, failing to follow sexist stereotypes (which decree that girls play with dolls and boys play with themselves) will no longer get you marched off to the sex-correction clinic. You’ll no longer be stuffed like a five-bird roast with the best that Big Pharma can tout and later shuttled off to the abattoir to have your perfectly healthy sexual organs hacked off. For the Great Trans Con has been bust as wide open as the space between India Willoughby’s ears.

Burchill continues to take the measure of the trans liberation movement. Her clear analysis suggests that more than a few of the people who embraced this madness were not doing much thinking, assuming that they knew how to think.

Was ever a ‘liberation’ movement ever so risible from the start? Did any other allegedly oppressed group’s bid for equality include seeking to rob another oppressed group of their rights? Did any other oppressed group claim their freedom by dressing up as another oppressed group? And, crucially, did any allegedly oppressed group ever carry out such a comprehensive and conclusive capture of the most conservative and capitalist corporations and institutions? No, they didn’t – because previously, oppressed groups weren’t mostly composed of white middle-class men, as the trans-lobby are.

As you know, trans activists seem especially prone to commit violent acts against those who refuse to accept their delusional beliefs as real:

The threats of violence, rape and death while calling women who sought to preserve women’s spaces the hateful ones. The snitching to the police – such rebels! – who reacted true to form by siding with the blokes and arresting women for being impolite to men, joined by the judges who made raped women call their attackers ‘she’ out of ‘respect’. They stand revealed as a bunch of liars, fantasists and bullies, the whole rotten lot of them.

The activists should now apologize for their own behavior, for fostering child mutilation and for persecuting those adults who refused to sign on to their delusions.

For weary, dreary years they’ve stamped their huge feet and demanded that we apologise for hurting their feelings; now we want them to apologise primarily for cheerleading the mutilation of children and secondarily for damaging the lives of the adults who sought to stand in their way.

The next point is so obvious that even I have noticed it. Many of those who are being induced into thinking they are transgendered are really homosexuals.

The Cass Report marks a milestone for many, most of all for the children of the future who will now grow up into happy homosexuals with un-mutilated bodies. 

Of course, the victor in this debate has been J. K. Rowling, chastised and vilified for refusing to accede to what became the conventional wisdom, now shown by the Cass Report, to have been right all along:

But for JKR-watchers, there’s a minor milestone here too. I don’t generally believe in ‘journeys’, unless you actually book a ticket at some point, but Rowling’s certainly been on one. Starting off as a prissy modern lefty – complete with pro-Labour and anti-Brexit knee-jerks – she has become a practitioner of real, old-fashioned communitarianism, driven by generosity and compassion. Hence her suggestion that the apologies be distributed elsewhere. It’s the difference between real progressive politics – people coming together to work for the common good – and the politics of envy and identity, with every interest group screaming ‘ME, ME, ME!’ 

Burchill may or may not have been thinking of Dylan Mulvaney, who distinguished himself for nearly destroying the most popular beer in America, but her remark rings true.

Many talentless trans people have benefited during the past decade of lunacy, picking up everything from book deals to modelling contracts to sporting trophies as rewards from the male establishment for giving uppity women a drubbing. That’s going to finish now, too. Now they’ll be the ‘dinosaurs’ – as David Lammy so despicably dismissed feminists who cared about children being butchered.

Transmania has not merely been homophobia, it has also been institutionalized misogyny:

Whatever the reason, the hellish 1984-like dystopia we’ve been living through – where we’ve been required to lie that a penis metaphorically held up in court is female – is rapidly crumbling. You might want to slap on the extra-waterproof mascara, all you woman-facers and female-appropriators – because your days as lady-cocks of the walk are numbered.


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