Saturday, August 3, 2024

Saturday Miscellany

First, the French Olympic games are become quite the cauchemar, as they would say.

Beginning with a drag parody of The Last Supper, and moving on to a triathlon swim in a polluted river, they outdid themselves by allowing a man to beat a woman senseless in what was supposed to be a boxing competition. 

A nation that prides itself on being a world leader in fashion and perfume and other feminine arts allowed an Algerian male, someone who had been disqualified from other international boxing matches, to fight an Italian woman. 

So much for the eternal feminine.

As you surely know, the Italian woman quit the bout in less than a minute, because she did not want to suffer brain damage in order to fulfill woke ideology. Good for her. And good for Italian prime minister Georgia Meloni, for calling out the olympic committee for being deranged.

She said:

“With these testosterone levels, this is not an equitable competition. Athletes with masculine attributes shouldn’t be allowed in women's competitions."

As most people have noted, this is called cheating. It will continue until someone gets sued or until women boycott events where they are put in danger.

As for another form of confusion, the male boxer, Imene Khelif, is being called intersexed-- whatever that means.

One thing it means is that in Algeria, you cannot be transsexual. If you suffer from the delusional belief that you are of the opposite sex, they call you something else. If your mother treats you like a girl, that does not make you a girl or even intersexed.

In France, the home of great philosophers, confusion abounds. It even extends to former colonies, like Algeria.

The ultimate indignity was this: athletes keep saying that the food sucked. Seriously, France. You cannot even make a good meal any more.

Second, naturally we want to relate the transmania issue to American politics, so the Twitterverse is abuzz with the following statement from an American politician, dated to 8-11-20.

He said:

Trans women are women. Pass it on. 

As for the author of that piece of rank stupidity, it comes to us from the man who is currently the governor of Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro.

As you know, he is one of the leaders in the race to become Kamala’s vice president.

Third, We have not had too much gibberish from Kamala Harris of late. The reason-- she has kept to her cue cards. 

And yet, last night, while welcoming back the hostages who had been held in Russia, Kamala decided to go off script. She did it to show you why she never takes questions or does interviews:

This is just an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy.

Fourth, if that does not suffice, in 2017 Kamala declared that we should stop saying Merry Christmas-- because illegal migrants are being deported. In her inimitable version of English grammar:

How dare we speak Merry Christmas.

Fifth, onshoring is all the rage. It is the rage for Democrats and it is the rage for Republicans. And you were worrying that there was no bipartisanship any more.

Heck, even J. D. Vance is for onshoring. So is Rana Foroohar. How is it working out?

Our government has decided to manufacture more semiconductors at home and thus to rely less on foreign sources. It was called the CHIPS Act.

 Consider the consequences:

Intel set to cut over 15% of workforce, equivalent to around 18,000 employees, as share price plunges by 13% in after hours trading.

Apparently, it’s not as easy as the politicians make it appear.

Sixth, if you think that we Americans have perfected the art of gaslighting, take a gander at what is currently going on in Great Britain.

Daniel Greenfield reports in Front Page News about a mass murder, committed by the teenaged son of Rwandan refugees.

A Rwandan in a mask wielding a knife attacked a number of British children, killing 3, including a 9-year-old girl named Alice, and wounding 9 more, along with some of the adults who tried to protect them.

Naturally, many of the Crown’s subjects took serious offense. They protested, not always peacefully. The Labour Government recommended that people ignore the crime. They want the authorities to prosecute the protesters. 

Naturally, in Great Britain, as in the USA, demonstrating for Hamas is fine. Demonstrating against migrant crime is verboten:

Instead of taking action against the plague of migrant crime, PM Keir Starmer and his radical left-wing government declared an emergency because of a rally by British anti-migrant protesters.

In fascistic remarks, PM Stamrer announced a new “force” that will crack down on anti-migrant protests. Not of course the protests in support of Hamas and other Islamic terrorist groups that this government and the previous one have been protecting, but the kinds of protests they don’t like.

Greenfield concludes:

While the murder of three little girls didn’t occasion an “emergency meeting” or a “national address”, the counterprotests against the murders did.

Tyler Durden also commented on the gaslighting:

What is known is that despite leaving three dead children and ten others injured in the streets of Southport, journalists have sought to humanize the attacker, likely because of his Rwandan migrant family.

Political leaders and various news platforms are already painting the alleged perpetrator and his family in the best possible light; describing them as "quiet and pleasant" and the attacker as a "loner from a nice family."  This kind of velvet glove approach is never afforded to white, male and British people accused of criminal acts.  In fact, activist Tommy Robinson was recently arrested and charged under UK terror provisions for nothing more than showing a movie at a patriot rally, but the guy who masked up to plan and execute a mass stabbing of British children will not be treated as a terrorist. 

Did someone say something about a two-tiered system of justice. As for the rule of law, applied equally to everyone-- ha ha.

Seventh, you will recall that President Biden managed to criticize President Trump, on the question of negotiating hostage returns. Biden suggested that he had gotten Evan Gershkovich back from Russia while Trump did not. 

As it happened, Evan had not been taken hostage during the Trump administration. His imprisonment was a Biden administration event.

As for the Trump record, Robert O’Brien, Trump’s hostage negotiator set the record straight, via Hugh Hewitt:

O’Brien served as President Trump’s Special Envoy for Hostage Affair before he became Trump’s National Security Advisor. “I am happy for the hostages released today and celebrate their freedom along with their families,” O’Brien told me. “I never criticize deals that result in American hostages coming home but I want to correct the record that is being put out by the White House.” “More than 55 hostages returned to the U.S. while Donald Trump was president. The vast majority of those hostages had been taken while Obama-Biden were in office. 

President Trump successfully negotiated the release or used our amazing special forces or allied soldiers to rescue these hostages. We never paid money to a terrorist regime or organization to get our people back nor did Trump ever release Putin’s assassins, arms dealers or money launderers to secure one of our hostages. …

O’Brien concluded that “Vice President Harris will celebrate the detainees’ return like all of us. But she is way too smart to associate herself with the deal. She is running as a former prosecutor, so there is no way she endorses trading a stone cold Russian assassin, who committed a daylight murder in Germany, for an innocent American reporter. She’ll let President Biden and his team own this one.”

Eighth, speaking of the Kamala Harris record, Andrew Sullivan summarizes it succinctly:

The record is somewhat difficult to ignore. Harris favored decriminalizing illegal border crossings, free healthcare for all illegal immigrants, funded bail for BLM rioters, abolition of private health insurance, a ban on fracking, and replacing ICE-- “starting from scratch.” She is committed to the woke concept of equity, which means ensuring that all identity groups end up in the same place by government intervention. She favors what we now know are irreversible medical experiments on gay, autistic and trans children. She supports reparations for slavery. She wants to inculcate the core ideas of critical race, gender and queer theory in public schools from kindergarten onward.

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1 comment:

  1. Three centuries of the Enlightenment up in smoke
