Thursday, November 25, 2010

"Angelina Jolie Hates Thanksgiving"

Celebrity is as celebrity does. As we all give thanks for the good things in our lives, as we all count our blessings and express gratitude, Angelina Jolie has cast herself as all-purpose killjoy.

If Thanksgiving needed its own Ebenezer Scrooge, it has now found it in Angelina Jolie.

Politically correct to a fault, capable of seeing the worst in everything, Angelina will forbid her family from celebrating Thanksgiving because, to her mind, it celebrates murder and mayhem. Link here.

In fact, she is not even going to spend the holiday in America. How better to show that she hates American crimes against indigenous peoples.

If America has done bad things then America has never done anything good, anything that is worthy of her presence or her love.

Of course, the fault here is ours and our alone. What kind of country pays attention to the cretinous blather of celebrities?

So here’s one more thing to be thankful for: you’re not Angelina Jolie.


  1. Well, it's awkward to say, but I'm thankful I ran into your blog. For me, it's rather insightful at times. I suspect you're pretty good at your job.

  2. Speaking of celebs, be thankfull you're not having Thanksgiving with Sheryl Crow. That could be unsanitary.

  3. Any body ever wonder why these so called celebrities never voice these concerns before they get to be celebrities? It wouldn't be that they are trading their so called ideas for money? Wouldn't that be hypocritical and also denote that maybe they are not so attached to those ideas as one might think.
    What one basically has here are insecure people of little real talent and mental acuity in relation to the vast majority of individuals hating a country, and themselves, that would actually give them the kind of status they receive. Many of them got to where they are by nepotism and question whether they really deserve it. This kind of insecurity is always aimed not at the person, but at the conditions that made it possible.
    When one asks the question as to how important is a person like Karen "Whoopi" Goldberg or Angelina Jolie in the scheme of things one can see where the self hatred comes.

  4. I have no time to read this post today,I have to finish watching "Lara Croft tomb raider" which celebrates murder and mayhem to the tune of 275 million.
