Wednesday, December 22, 2010

'New York Times Under Fire for Controversial 'Vows'"

For those of you who would prefer a multimedia presentation of the great media kerfuffle over the Times "Vows" piece about Carol Anne Riddell and John Partilla, I am happy to provide this link to the report: Link here.

If you should also be among those who prefer to see your news reported by a beautiful blond, well then, I would strongly recommend the story. You will not be disappointed. 


  1. TO: Dr. Schneiderman
    RE: Heh

    She's not that 'beautiful'. And too much eyeliner.


    [Beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.]

  2. Maybe it's my charitable spirit but I have refrained from commenting on her looks.

    I do think it's fair to mention that in the pics of them as a couple, she looks more defiant and he looks whipped. I'm not sure what it means but he does not look like he is standing tall and proud???
