Monday, March 14, 2011

"Why Is There No Looting in Japan?"

Given the horrors that are currently befalling Japan, my title question may seem like a sidelight.

Yet, I do believe that Daily Telegraph reporter Ed West is entirely correct to ask it. Without such  strong social solidarity Japan would be having a far more difficult time of it… if that is even imaginable. Link here.

West explains: “The landscape of parts of Japan looks like the aftermath of World War Two; no industrialised country since then has suffered such a death toll. The one tiny, tiny consolation is the extent to which it shows how humanity can rally round in times of adversity, with heroic British rescue teams joining colleagues from the US and elsewhere to fly out.

“And solidarity seems especially strong in Japan itself. Perhaps even more impressive than Japan’s technological power is its social strength, with supermarkets cutting prices and vending machine owners giving out free drinks as people work together to survive. Most noticeably of all, there has been no looting….”

The next time we are tempted to criticize the Japanese way of conducting social relations, we should think back to these trying times and think again.


  1. But Where's Blackwater (XE)? Japan 2011 vs. New Orleans 2005

  2. TO: All
    RE: No Looting.... the 'zone'?

    What's there to 'loot'? All the electronics are rusting from the salt water. The cars are all trashed. The only things I saw worth 'looting' were boats that were lying on their sides or on top of buildings WAY far away from enough water to float them.


    [Remember: First you pillage, THEN you burn. -- Viking 'first sergeant' to slow Vikings]

  3. Also a good article

  4. Here it is

    Why The Japanese Aren't Looting

  5. Last time

  6. “And solidarity seems especially strong in Japan itself. Perhaps even more impressive than Japan’s technological power is its social strength, with supermarkets cutting prices and vending machine owners giving out free drinks as people work together to survive. Most noticeably of all, there has been no looting….”

    What? Big business helping people and giving out free stuff?!?!

    Corporations in the United States must be screaming, "heresy!!!"

    Hence one reason why there probably would be lots of looting in the US under the same circumstances.

    American Corporatism is what you would call the "therapy culture" on emphatimines.

    This BBC documentary explains why;
