Friday, February 24, 2012

Now Let Us Praise Bridge

You may or may not know it, but I like to play bridge. If you didn’t know it before it shouldn’t come as a surprise.

Anyway, I have just learned that when Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer was recently robbed at machete point in his Nevis vacation home he was playing bridge.

The effrontery….

This detail has now inspired a short article in Newsweek about all of the rich and famous people who play bridge.

The article is so intent on making bridge sound like a game for celebrities that it fails to point out that it’s great mental exercise. Research has also shown that it’s good for your immune system. Don’t ask me how or why.

In truth, the game seems to be have more appeal to those who are older—and, dare I say, wiser—but still it’s nice to see a formerly mainstream publication marketing bridge.


  1. How difficult is bridge to learn and be decent at? I've heard you can play a lifetime and still not know half of the game's strategies. It seems to be a game I'd like to learn.

  2. It's not that difficult to learn the game, but it is very difficult and time consuming to get to be decent at it. It's a competitive game and one likes to feel that one can compete.

    Anyone who would like to learn the game should check out the free introductory software, called Learn to Play Bridge, available from the American Contract Bridge Association:

  3. I first learn to play bridge when I was a young Airman in the Air Force. In fact there were a considerable number of us lowly enlisted people who played. The money games were a quarter cent a point which we could afford. One of the officers I played with would always bid 3 No Trump when there were 3 passes and almost always made it.
    It is/was a good game, both Duplicate and Contract. Still like to read Goren's article in the paper.
    It may even surprise that we low hanging fruit played Chess as well. Lost interest after Sargon III. I had my son playing when he was 7. Never let him win though he kept trying. He now cleans up the board with me.
    Only a fool underestimates other people no matter what class they think they are a part.

  4. I also learned to play bridge while an enlisted crew member in the Air Force on ARIA on many long trans atlantic/pacific flights.

    We even developed our own bidding systems. My favorite was a power pre-empt of 4 (name the suit) with 14-17 point and 6-8 cards of the suit. Lots of fun. Plus we had many discussions over Goren's articles.

    But bridge was my second passion when it came to games as it was/is the card game equivalent of chess.

    Chess is my first passion in games as may be seen here and here.

    Today a passion remains for chess, but it is more embers than anything else. Bridge is a fond memory. Now at age 64 I study the Bible for finals as may be seen here..

    As always, you remain a favorite and I regularly send people your way on FB.


  5. Thank you, Riley. I very much enjoyed reading your thoughts about the book of Isaiah. I hope everyone else will also take a look at them.

  6. Bridge is one of the games I always wanted to look into.

    Chess? Not so much. I played a little when I was younger, but it was never my thing.

    I think I just like the chance + skill aspect of card games rather than the pure skill aspect of chess.

    Life is more like a card game than life is like chess.

  7. Thanks for the link! I downloaded their learning software and am trying it now.
