Friday, October 19, 2012

The Wit of Mitt

Whoever would have guessed that Mitt Romney has a future in stand-up comedy. Yet, Romney's comedy routine at last night's Al Smith dinner was exceptionally funny and certainly well-delivered.


  1. Whatta homerun for Mitt! Sophisticated, genuine and even self-deprecating at times. How much better can it get?

    Except of course, it will get better if he's elected president and Obama goes back home to thug-city.

  2. What are the odds that he doesn't go back to Chitown? The Secret Service will probably say that it's too expensive to protect him there and will send him to Honolulu.

  3. Too cold in Chi-town. We know The Won likes it warm.

  4. He was very pleasantly, and surprisingly funny. Some great zinger's.
