Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chuck Hagel: Pusillanimous Crank

The only thing that is more pathetic than watching Chuck Hagel eat his words is watching Chuck Schumer drop to his knees to support  the most anti-Semitic cabinet nominee in recent American history.

This morning Bret Stephens wrote this about the next to last revelation of Hagel’s visceral dislike and distrust of the Jewish state:

Chuck Hagel says he can't remember if he called the U.S. State Department "an adjunct of the Israeli foreign minister's office" in the Q&A following a March 2007 speech at Rutgers University, but that he repudiates the words all the same. Which makes him a crank who lacks even the courage of his convictions.

Just what we need in the Pentagon: a pusillanimous crank.

I propose a new Hagelian logic for those Democrats who are caught making statements that would get a Republican crucified.

1: I never said it.

2: If I said it, I didn’t mean it.

3. If I meant it, I didn’t know what I was saying.


  1. Shameless. What a perfect Obama cabinet pick.

    Please remember this episode the next time Chuck Schumer become exasperated or sanctimonious (or both) about some innocuous Republican move. You won't have to wait long.

