Tuesday, January 13, 2015

More Family Dinners, Please

Another day, another article about the importance of family dinners. This time the author is Anne Fishel, associate professor of psychology at Harvard Medical School.

I am encouraged when I see the mental health profession look more closely at the psychosocial side of human development.

I am also encouraged to see the profession offer solutions that do not involve medication and do not even involve more therapy.

Fishel has provided a valuable service. She has reviewed all of the studies—there are many—about family dinners and provided a synopsis in an excellent article in the Washington Post.

In her words:

As a family therapist, I often have the impulse to tell families to go home and have dinner together rather than spending an hour with me. And 20 years of research in North America, Europe and Australia back up my enthusiasm for family dinners. It turns out that sitting down for a nightly meal is great for the brain, the body and the spirit. And that nightly dinner doesn’t have to be a gourmet meal that took three hours to cook, nor does it need to be made with organic arugula and heirloom parsnips.

For starters, researchers found that for young children, dinnertime conversation boosts vocabulary even more than being read aloud to. The researchers counted the number of rare words – those not found on a list of 3,000 most common words – that the families used during dinner conversation. Young kids learned 1,000 rare words at the dinner table, compared to only 143 from parents reading storybooks aloud. Kids who have a large vocabulary read earlier and more easily.

Older children also reap intellectual benefits from family dinners. For school-age youngsters, regular mealtime is an even more powerful predictor of high achievement scores than time spent in school, doing homework, playing sports or doing art.

Other researchers reported a consistent association between family dinner frequency and teen academic performance. Adolescents who ate family meals five to seven times a week were twice as likely to get A’s in school as those who ate dinner with their families fewer than two times a week.

Family dinners also mitigate the anti-social tendencies that often appear during adolescence:

In addition, a stack of studies link regular family dinners with lowering a host of high risk teenage behaviors parents fear: smoking, binge drinking, marijuana use, violence, school problems, eating disorders and sexual activity. In one study of more than 5,000 Minnesota teens, researchers concluded that regular family dinners were associated with lower rates of depression and suicidal thoughts. In a very recent study, kids who had been victims of cyberbullying bounced back more readily if they had regular family dinners. Family dinners have been found to be a more powerful deterrent against high-risk teen behaviors than church attendance or good grades.

Obviously, it is not enough to go through the motions. For family dinners to work their magic, they require adult conversation… not silence, not a television set in the background, and certainly not psychodrama:

Of course, the real power of dinners lies in their interpersonal quality. If family members sit in stony silence, if parents yell at each other, or scold their kids, family dinner won’t confer positive benefits. Sharing a roast chicken won’t magically transform parent-child relationships. But, dinner may be the one time of the day when a parent and child can share a positive experience – a well-cooked meal, a joke, or a story – and these small moments can gain momentum to create stronger connections away from the table.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent. It begins at home. The effort to marginalize families in order to neutralize the primary level of social organization is not beneficial to society but to its rulers or managers. This is related to the "diversity" policy, which also undermines social development, and creates and maintains class divisions.
