Saturday, May 23, 2015

"Hill, Can I Ride in your Lap...?"

Perhaps it’s not the most pertinent piece of information gleaned from the Hillary Clinton emails released yesterday, but the account of Wall Street Journal reporter Monica Langley’s interview of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton must count as the strangest.

Kerry Picket reports at The Daily Caller:

Langley is invited to sit on the couch with Clinton at “an appropriate distance.” However, Clinton offers her a chair to bring her “within inches of the Secretary — leaning in even further.”

The reporter agrees and midway through the interview, she “grabs HRC’s knee” and Clinton began laughing “awkwardly” as she looked over at State Department Clinton senior advisor Philippe Reines.

Langley leaned in further and asked “Oh Hillary…what do you eat? Drink? Dream about when you sleep?”

At that point she began touching Clinton’s leg again and all those present in the room, including Reines, laughed “awkwardly.”

Finally, Langley tells Clinton, “They think I’m so funny [looking at Phillipe and Adler]. Hill, can I ride in your lap to the White House?”

To be interpreted ….


  1. Perhaps Caroline Adler is an aspiring romance novel writer?

    At least we can agree men will never ever ever understand what motivates the minds of women.

  2. Significantly, or just noticeably, weird?
