Saturday, January 30, 2016

Who's Really Afraid of Megyn Kelly?

Now that the Trumpless debate has come and gone, everyone is still agonizing over whether the Donald made a bold strategic move or made himself look weak. The answer, I would underscore, will be found in the outcome of the primaries and the general election. If you think you know the answer before the fact, you don’t. No one does. If you think that Trump is always right and can do no wrong, you are an idolater. 

Aside from that excessively salient point, there is another question that no one is asking. Why are the Democratic candidates afraid to do a debate on Fox? Are they terrified at the prospect of facing the fearsome Megyn Kelly or does Bret Baier cause them to quiver in their boots or booties?

 It's about time that someone asked them that question.


  1. If memory serves, Reagan skipped a pre-Iowa debate and it hurt him not a whit. Why is this any different?

  2. The media environment is very different now. And Reagan did not make it into a spectacle. All I was suggesting was that we do not yet know whether it will help or hurt DT.

  3. Trump not showing up was a strategy. He knew the only place you can go when you have a lead like Trump is down. So he used Megan as an excuse. He go all the publicity he wanted. He is a master with the media.

  4. Stuart, if I invite you over to my house so I can be hostile to you, pour hot coffee in your lap, and key your car, all while making millions from your visit would you come?

    Of course not. Any self respecting person wouldn't go.

    So how could Trump be wrong for not showing up?

    Will it hurt him in the polls? No, b/c it reinforces what he has been running on. He's a good deal maker and won't take bad deals.

    And while everyone was at the debate talking about what they were going to for the country, Trump was actually doing something for us. Trump: Politicians are all talk no action.

    Win/ win

  5. Huh??? As far as I can tell her greatest sin was quoting his own words to him... why is that equivalent to the example you have concocted?

  6. It's not just about her, Stuart. That press release they put out was about as hostile as you can get.

  7. Come now, if that's as hostile as it gets you've been leading a very sheltered life. In truth, it was ill-advised, but Trump's beatdown of Megyn Kelly was unseemly, at best and certainly hostile. His remarks about women were certainly hostile. And he has risen to the top of the Republican by being more hostile than anyone else. The Fox statement belongs to the category of ridicule, and if Donald thinks that he can ridicule everyone in sight while being shielded from it himself, he is not living in the real world.

  8. It was more than ill advised. It was childish, passive aggressive, and yes, hostile. And their response to his pulling out from the debate was even worse. It read more like a college kid wrote it than a multi- billion dollar media empire.

    If you're hosting a debate and you don't like one of the people coming, you suck it up and remain fair and balanced, cancel the debate or you don't invite them. Fox chose to react hostility, and Trump chose to reject their invite.

    Smart move. He doesn't need Fox news.


    Trump's Fox News debate boycott

  10. Dems can't deal with tough questions from Fox because NO other show will ask them anything but softball questions. Softball? I meant rubber balloon questions.
