Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Megyn Kelly Factor

The war on Fox News continues apace. Most recently, the executive editor of the New York Times, Dean Baquet, declared that Fox News (and CNN) were “bad for democracy.”

Since the Times has announced, via reporter Jim Rutenberg, that the threat of a Trump presidency was so dire that it could not promise to report on the presidential campaign objectively, Baquet’s statement was frankly absurd.

If the Times wants the media to be good for democracy, it should set a better example by cleaning its own house and building a wall… between news reports and opinion.

The mainstream media hates Fox News for two reasons. First, it has broken the ideological monopoly that had pertained in the media. Second, it is making a massive profit.

Mainstream media outlets do not want you to be exposed to differences of opinion. They want you to believe that there is a right way to think and a wrong way to think. Fox News broke that monopoly. And since the media, in general, has an aleatory relationship to facts, Fox News can threaten other media by simply reporting the facts.

If you follow the money, Fox News earns a profit that approaches the market capitalization of the New York Times Corp. If you do not think that that rankles, you are out of touch with human psychology.

Recently, the war on Fox News has heated up. When Gretchen Carlson denounced Roger Ailes for sexual harassment, the founding father and residing genie of the organization was force to resign. Carlson was not exactly a ratings bonanza for the network, but she is a heroine to the mainstream media. She recently made the cover of Time Magazine.

Standing up to the patriarchy makes good press. Feminist cheer it. Unfortunately, it also promotes workplace hostility between men and women. Since Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have brought the issue into the political sphere, everyone has now become especially aware of sexual harassment. One consequence is that a man can risk his career by saying the wrong thing to a woman. This will likely cause him to think twice about hiring a woman or collaborating with a woman.

Be that as it may, Carlson had bad ratings and her post-Fox career prospects do not appear to be especially good. The same cannot be said for Megyn Kelly, the golden girl of Fox News, a genuine star who has recently been involved in complex and rather public negotiations over her new contract.

Kelly has had hugely favorable press, from places like the New York Times Magazine and from Vanity Fair. She became a major story during the presidential debates when she questioned Donald Trump’s vulgar remarks about women.

Trump thought she was unfair and counterattacked. When reports of Trump’s bad behavior toward women began to surface, they became credible because of his own remarks and his behavior toward Megyn Kelly.

Recent reports have emphasized that Kelly’s contract negotiations are private, but she or people who work for her have been leaking information about them for months. She has been saying quite openly that she wants to spend more time with her children. The tabloids have been saying that she has other offers and that she wants to be paid as much as Bill O’Reilly is, at something like $20,000,000. News Corp, the owner of Fox News, said that money is not the issue.

 Of course, given the mania about leaning in, certain feminist sources are saying that Kelly is just asking for what she deserves. Quartz says that she is negotiating for “equal pay.” Considering that she is sui generis, and that her pay is tied to her ratings and the ad revenue her show produces, the notion that she is fighting for the feminist cause and that she is being systematically underpaid makes no sense. Two talk show hosts do not and cannot do equal work. 

It appears that Kelly is following in the footsteps of former New York Times executive editor, Jill Abramson, who leaned in and asked for a raise that would make her salary commensurate with what her male predecessor earned. She was fired on the spot. Score one for Sheryl Sandberg.

While we do not know what happened when Fox celebrity Greta van Susteren tried to renegotiate her contract, we do know that, from one day to the next, she was off the air, her show was over and her career was probably over too. One suspects that she too leaned in and got fired. Score another one for Sheryl Sandberg.

Apparently, Fox is avid to resign Kelly. News reports of this “private” negotiation have said that James and Lachlan Murdoch, Rupert’s sons and heirs apparent, have been personally involved. One assumes that this is a test for them. They have apparently been assiduously courting Kelly and are willing to offer great things to keep her.

One does not know how good the boys are at negotiating, but they do not appear to be especially deft at it.

One might say that with Bill O’Reilly getting old and with Fox not having a great bench, Kelly is the future of Fox News. Certainly, the fawning publicity that she receives helps to increase the stature and the prestige of the network, to make it more of a mainstream news channel.

At the same time, Kelly’s ratings are consistently lower than O’Reilly’s, so the pay disparity does not feel completely prejudicial. But, Kelly seems to attract more young viewers than O’Reilly and this is surely important to a network most of whose viewers are what the British call “pensioners.” The same, of course, is true of other cable news operations, and it is certainly a cause for concern.

Yet, Kelly’s hand is not as strong as she seems to think. When she had a prime time special on the Fox network it did not do well. She shot to political prominence during the first Republican presidential debate but she caved in to pressure and marched over to Trump’s office in order to interview him for her special.

The interview was flat and uninteresting. Kelly looked like she had allowed herself to be bullied. Right now Kelly is pretending to be very tough, and much of the time when she questions guests from the left or the right ahw is decidedly tough… and fair. Yet, her inability to stand up to Donald Trump showed that she is not as tough as she looks.

Kelly and Fox News have an undeniable synergy and it is not obvious that she would succeed as a morning or afternoon talk show host. Perhaps as another Judge Judy, but Kelly is not going to be a new Oprah or even a Barbara Walters.

Besides, Fox News made Kelly a star. As she flirts with other networks and leans in during her contract negotiations she risks looking disloyal. Giving even the appearance of being ungrateful and disloyal is not good for ratings. Ask Colin Kaepernick and the NFL, whose ratings are suffering because of a refusal on the part of overpaid athletes to express their allegiance to a nation that has been more than good to them.

Anyway, Kelly might have overplayed her hand. After all, Rupert Murdoch still controls Fox News and we have learned that he is not happy about Kelly’s newfound assertiveness. One suspects that he is not happy with the way his sons have been handling the negotiations, either.

Last week Murdoch fired a shot across her bow and suggested that Fox had lots of people who would be happy to fill her spot in prime time. Murdoch was asserting that he was the boss and that no single individual was more important than the company. He would not allow a single individual to threaten his face. Back when Jill Abramson got herself fired from the Times, I said the same thing.

The Murdoch pronouncement was significant for righting the order of things. One notes that even The Daily Mail misunderstood what was going on. It also managed to get the title of her show wrong:

Megyn Kelly reportedly got quite the shock earlier this week when she read an interview Rupert Murdoch gave about her private contract negotiations just before she was set to tape her live news program, The Kelly Report. 

Murdoch made the decision to make the negotiations very public by granting an interview to one of the newspapers his company News Corp. owns, The Wall Street Journal.

Variety spoke with a a person familiar with Kelly’s thinking who said that the host was 'bemused' by Murdoch's actions but not so upset that she would consider leaving Fox News because of his questionable negotiating strategy.  

In the interview, Murdoch said that keeping Kelly is a priority, but that he has other hosts who could take over the program should she try and go to a rival network.  

'[W]e have a deep bench of talent, many of whom would give their right arm for that spot,' said Murdoch.  

 As I have said, Kelly and her agents have been floating the idea that she would leave Fox for months now. To say that Murdoch was responsible for making the negotiations public is to misread the situation.

Murdoch added that whether or not she stays with the network is “up to her.”

That means that there are limits beyond which he will not go. Appearing not to be in charge of his company, appearing to be pushed around by a network celebrity is not acceptable. Murdoch did not want it to look as though Kelly was running the company. Any more than Pinch Sulzberger wanted it to look as though Jill Abramson was running the New York Times.


  1. Just a comment. The day one begins to think too highly of themselves is the day that one's fortune begin to drop. Arrogance is never appealing. Fame is fleeting especially when it is built on believing one is the protector of a certain group of people.
    I believe there is a history of people who have begun to think too highly of themselves only to see them lose almost everything. Kelly's ratings have dropped. This I suspect occurs when one begins to seek the adulation of the media and/or leftists. The very people who would destroy her before if they could. Strange is it not to seek the approval of those who would never have your best interests at heart?
    The same is true of politicians who get corrupted by the establishment in DC. I used to like Kelly, but she has begun to represent the angry feminist in action and even in looks. There is enough woman whine in almost everything we have to deal with in every day life without turning on the TV to be assaulted by it.
    If I am damned if I do and damned if I don't then I have little or no respect for your opinion. Come back and see my when you finally take responsibility for your action vice blaming it on others.

  2. When we watched the primary debate Kelly co-moderated, it had been quite a while since I had seen her. We cut cable (satellite, really... no cable where I live) and Fox News hasn't been on the menu for quite a while.

    I must say I was shocked by her altered appearance. She had adopted an almost-Goth look, what with the slicked-back hairstyle and the incredible fake eyelashes. I took the time to compare then-and-now photos, and it appears she has a plastic surgeon on retainer. She's obviously playing to her visual assette [sic].

    As a member of the "pensioner" demo, I never got the excitement over her interviewing skills. Perhaps because I'm married to a blonde lawyer (I'm convinced there's got to be a blonde lawyer joke out there somewhere), so I get that all the time. I did appreciate the aggressiveness, but I'm sure that a competitor like CNN would gentle her pony with leftist interviewees if she moved there.

    I watched a recent video of her interview with Newt G., and concluded that she does better with your run-of-the-mill whiner. Newt nailed her (figuratively speaking, of course) on the sex vs. policy line of attack. I dislike Newt, but he's a formidable debate opponent.

    I wish her well. But I expect that Fox News is on a downward trajectory.

    If Kelly leaves, my preference is Herridge if they want to keep a woman in that spot. But I'm not in the audience.

  3. I've never watched her or Fox News (nor the alphabets), so I don't care.

  4. Megyn Kelly began to look like a doll, and started to act like one, too.

    I remember when "The Kelly File" started, I looked at her new "look" and outfits, and I could not take her seriously.

    Then the Bret Baier hit job "question" that kicked off the first GOP debate in Cleveland, immediately followed by Kelly's sweep-the-leg "question" of Donald Trump. The political/media Establishment's first anemic attempt at a fix was on. Then Kelly's post-debate phony outrage, followed by her clandestine visit to Trump Tower, where I'm sure The Donald said "Baby, I'm going to turn you into a star."

    Well, that star hath fallen, and Fox News set the low bar for debate moderators from the outset, only to have veteran Chris Wallace rescue whatever respectability his profession and network had left in the third presidential debate.

    Good riddance, says I. Megyn Kelly is but a symptom of the larger problem in big media: groupthink, phony glamor, collusion with politicos, and rank laziness.

    If politicians are the alligators in the swamp, lobbyists the snakes, and bureaucrats the leeches, then journalists are certainly the buzzards.

    Drain it.

    1. Well, they can all swirl the drain except Maria Bartiromo. If Bartiromo had a 24/7 cable channel, I'd call DirecTV and resubscribe. She wouldn't even have to talk. Just be there . I'm a happier man just knowing there's someone that beautiful in the world.

  5. The New York Times saying another news outlet is "bad for democracy" is simply hilarious. Look in the mirror.

  6. TW,


    There are few things in life that provide enjoyment like the beauty, the smell, the walk, et al, of a beautiful woman. For those of you who are bothered by that I say go to HELL. The day I let you control my life is the day I rebel.

  7. "Since Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have brought the issue into the political sphere, everyone has now become especially aware of sexual harassment. One consequence is that a man can risk his career by saying the wrong thing to a woman. This will likely cause him to think twice about hiring a woman or collaborating with a woman."

    As I was saying, the Cuntefaction of America.

  8. sestamibi,

    Not to put to fine a point on it, I hear Hillary's choice for surgeon general is going to be Lorena Bobitt.

  9. Trigger Warning said.....
    As a member of the "pensioner" demo, I never got the excitement over her interviewing skills. Perhaps because I'm married to a blonde lawyer (I'm convinced there's got to be a blonde lawyer joke out there somewhere),
    * * *
    There's an entire movie, and it's not too shabby.

  10. "And since the media, in general, has an aleatory relationship to facts, Fox News can threaten other media by simply reporting the facts."

    Okay, so I had to look that one up - adjective
    depending on the throw of a dice or on chance; random.

    However, I don't think the media, in general, is throwing dice to decide their relationship to facts, unless the dice are loaded in their favor; and their spin cannot be considered random, since it is 100% pro-Democrat.

    Which the latest couple of email tranches have demonstrated.

    They do occasionally print some actual facts having a negative impact on the Left, but only if they no choice.
