Tuesday, November 1, 2016

To Know Hillary

To know Hillary is … not exactly to respect her.

This morning Wikileaks provides us John Podesta’s opinion of Hillary, from March, 2015.
People tell me that Hillary is acting ‘like a retard’ since her head injury. Frankly, considering her normal behavior, I’m surprised anyone noticed! (this is a joke!) Have someone talk to her doctor and see if there’s anything he can give her.

Also, I’ve noticed she’s had an ‘odor’ lately. It reminds me of a combination of boiled cabbage, urine and farts. I’m guessing it’s either connected to her fall or simply the fact that she rarely bathes. Outside of encouraging her to take a shower once in a while, I don’t know what to do about this. — any suggestions would be appreciated.

–sent from my iPad–

[Addendum: Thanks to Recruiting Animal for pointing out that the Podesta email was apparently a hoax. Which is different from saying that he was just kidding.]


  1. Some people will do anything for money. John Podesta is one of them.

    The entire campaign staff is a pit of vipers.

  2. Stu, you're too eager an opponent with regard to Hillary. This makes you fall into traps. I googled that alleged email from Podesta immediately.


