Tuesday, December 6, 2016

An Orgy of Double Standards

Get ready for an orgy of double standards. The media and many on the left have declared war on Donald Trump. It isn’t as though Trump did not bait them. He did. It isn’t as though Trump did not behave indecorously during the presidential campaign. He did.

Yet now, as president elect he has not been indulging in some of the rhetorical excesses he used during the campaign. Besides, in a nod to decorum he always wears a suit and tie. In a time of increasingly casual and slovenly male dress, Trump has returned to the uniform. One understands why some people would be horrified.

While the mainstream media was willing to excuse Barack Obama for everything he did, it is in full attack mode with Trump. To be more precise, the press declared everything Obama did to be genius. It seems to believe that everything Trump does signals incompetence and an absence of qualification.

Have you noticed that no one questioned the absurdly thin resume of Barack Obama? Some of us have questioned the Trump qualifications, but how many people pointed out that Obama had no qualifications to speak of? He had a few years as a backbench U. S. senator who accomplished nothing. Trump has no experience in government but he has worked as an executive and has dealt with foreign countries for decades.

Trump’s antics managed to make Obama look presidential, but Obama’s resume makes Trump look qualified.

While some media voices confessed after the election that they had missed the story and had left their readers in ignorance, they did not take the lesson to heart. They are back to trashing Trump, and thus, in my view, misleading and misinforming their readers. Moreover, they are compromising he mental health and emotional stability of their readers by feeding them scare stories and undermining their ability to think rationally about what is going on.

So, Donald Trump just took a congratulatory telephone call from the president of Taiwan. The powers-that-be in Beijing did not look too kindly on the gesture, because they had reached an agreement with previous administrations that Taiwan was a rogue province of China and not an independent nation.

The press was aghast. They should not be so quick to judge. Trump may have been flying blind. He may have been making a shrewd move in the game of three dimensional chess that is called foreign relations. I do not know. The press does not know, either. We will not know until we see how the relationship develops.

Media geniuses declared that they knew and that they understood. They saw Trump as a bumbler on the world stage. They were terrified to the depths of their being and managed to make their readers terrified too.

To place it all in context Katie Pavlich recalls, for our edification, some of the telephone calls that Barack Obama made. For example, when Obama caved in to the leading state sponsor of terrorism the media was agog over his “brilliance.”

Pavlich writes:

Back in 2013 President Obama made direct contact with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani with, you guessed it, a phone call. The call was initiated by President Obama, not Rouhani. Iran is listed as the world's largest state sponsor of terror by the State Department and before 9/11, its terrorism offshoot Hezbollah was responsible for more American deaths than any other terrorist organization in the world.


Officials in the Iranian government have repeatedly violated international sanctions, classified the United States as Satan, called for the complete annihilation of Israel and is responsible for countless murders of U.S. troops in Iraq.

Reaching out to your enemy bespeaks an attitude of submission and surrender. Obama consistently adopted a respectful tone toward the ayatollahs. With his nuclear deal he basically gave them everything they wanted and got next to nothing in return. Upon signing the treaty he decided that it was not a treaty and did not need senate approval. He contravened the constitution and did as he pleased. The media declared it to be “historic.”

But, the Obama policy of kowtowing to America’s enemies did not stop with Iran. He did the same with Cuba.

Pavlich adds:

Earlier this year, Obama went to a baseball game in Cuba and did the wave with Dictator Raul Castro, brother of murderous tyrant Fidel Castro. Members of the Colombian terror group FARC were also in attendance.

If you were wondering why Trump supporters were angry, the reason must lie in the fact that for eight years America has been led by a man who ran around the world looking to surrender to people who hate America.

And the press cheered him on. Since the great Obama could do no wrong, Trump can do no right. Now you know why no one trusts the mainstream media any more.


  1. "The way in which most Americans have heard the story of the Iran deal presented — that the Obama administration began seriously engaging with Iranian officials in 2013 in order to take advantage of a new political reality in Iran, which came about because of elections that brought moderates to power in that country — was largely manufactured for the purpose for selling the deal. Even where the particulars of that story are true, the implications that readers and viewers are encouraged to take away from those particulars are often misleading or false."
    --- NYT

    I think we can expect the "news", as manufactured fresh daily by the corporate media, the Comedy Channel, and pay cable comedians, to continue being - and I love this Timesian word - "ventriloquized" by the Left.

  2. The "new" political reality in Iran is not new. Iran is a corrupt, despotic, merderous Shia Islamic theocracy. Every time we make overtures, we're told we are engaging with "moderate" elements in Iran. There are no moderate elements in Iran with any authority. All the authority rests in the Supreme Leader. What is also humorous is to discover what a so-called "moderate" is in Iran.

  3. The Iranians are the people who used children to clear minefields during the Iran-Iraq War.


    Moderates in Iran are in prison.

  4. "While the mainstream media was willing to excuse Barack Obama for everything he did, it is in full attack mode with Trump." We've noticed.
    "Have you noticed that no one questioned the absurdly thin resume of Barack Obama?" Yup!
    "If you were wondering why Trump supporters were angry, the reason must lie in the fact that for eight years America has been led by a man who ran around the world looking to surrender to people who hate America.

    And the press cheered him on. Since the great Obama could do no wrong, Trump can do no right. Now you know why no one trusts the mainstream media any more." All this have we noticed, and trust not the Democrat Party people nor their media minions.

  5. He's fighting the mysterious, shadowy Alt-Right, Sam. He's an American hero, just like Bowe Berghdahl.

  6. Screw the mainstream media. They aren't journalists. They are a bunch of lightweight little communist obama lovers and now they are having a little temper tantrum befitting an 8-year old b/c their next heroine, hilLIARy, got thumped. Oh the electoral college should be overturned and this was just sexist and and and. Shut up already, you losers. You are supposed to be journalists and your true colors have been showing for at least a year. did you see lightweight yappy mouth megyn kelly on election night, she looked like her dog had just died. Same for rachel maddow, she could barely talk. It's all left wing propaganda, who would care what these communists say about anything.

  7. Interestingly on the right the loudest voices of reason against Don the Dictator have been coming from women.

    Peggy Noonan, calling out his financial holding and conflicts of interest:
    http://www.peggynoonan.com/category/01-wsj No More Business as Usual, Mr. Trump: He has to abandon his company in order to deal on the country’s behalf. December 1, 2016

    Sarah Palin, calling out his Indiana bribery for a few hundred jobs.

    Ann Coulter calling out the republicans plans for privatizing medicare, although that's a war against the republican majority, not Trump himself.
    https://twitter.com/AnnCoulter/status/802755958191468548 "Medicare IS NOT WHAT THE ELECTION WAS FOUGHT OVER. If Ryan wants to change Medicare, then run for president on that & see how far you get."

    And even Ivanka Trump reached out to Al Gore about climate change, wonder of wonders. Maybe Trump really doesn't believe Climate change is a Chinese hoax?

    On the other hand there was Trump's boast that he would have won the popular election if not for millions of illegal votes.

    So if Trump had lost the electoral college, you can be sure there'd be more than 3 states being recounted, although of course recounts can't catch illegal votes.

    But since 46% of the population believes every truthful hyperbole that Trump utters, we're guaranteed for public imaginings of illegal votes will continue to grow and fester under a Trump presidency.

    And if Trump survives to a 2020 re-election, you have to imagine Trump has to do everything he can to suppress those millions of illegal votes, even if it costs tens of millions of legal ones from being counted.

    The future looks grim to me, unless we can vet 130 million voters as legitimate, without also eliminating all the legal but undesireable voters, deplorable or otherwise.

  8. Dictator? He's. It even proeaident yet, Ares.

    And you've referenced Sarah Palin , Peggy Noonan and Ann Coulter in the same comment. My, my.

    I think you should go back to analyzing the Alt-Right and fake news. Just make sure you're taking your blood pressure medication.

    Reading your comments as your writhe in horrific reactions to reality brings me great delight. And you scoffed and sneered at the thought of a President Trump for so many months. Just wait until January 20, 2017, when it becomes reality.

  9. Ahhhh.... 1/20/17.

    I bought a bottle of Cristal just for the occasion.

  10. IAC: Reading your comments as your writhe in horrific reactions to reality brings me great delight. And you scoffed and sneered at the thought of a President Trump for so many months. Just wait until January 20, 2017, when it becomes reality.

    Yes, you're right. I was wrong. I always knew there were a large number of asshole-lovers in the country, but I just wanted to beleive it would be enough to elect Donald Trump.

    My only consolation is that I think the problems in our future are far larger than any reasoned response, and systems that are running on autopilot are going to stop running no matter how many kings horses and horsemen we have at our disposal.

    It does seem like a dictatorship is what people want, and what Trump will give them, when bad things happen. He's proved how easily he gets flustered when he doesn't know what the hell is going on.

    Clinton was the frying pan, and Trump is the fire. We lost the frying pan, and now we just have the Electoral college republicans to keep us from the fire, bad odds.

    I don't know why anyone would be celebrating on January 20, unless a delight at punishing bad people, and a blind hope that only bad people will be punished by the choices between bad and worse decisions in our indefinite future.
