Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to one and all. With a special thanks to those who have donated or will donate to the blog.


  1. Thank you so much for that. The Messiah is one of the greatest musical works ever written. I've been to many performances and they never fail to inspire even (((your correspondent))). Merry Christmas to all our Christian friends.

  2. And a Happy Hannukkah to you and all.

  3. As an instrumental player for years I have come to really enjoy "a cappella." In my estimation there is nothing more beautiful than the human voice when at its best. The intonation with this group is such that the overtones match up so well that I cannot hear any "noise" in this performance. True resonance. Lovely use of the chord changes. Nice to hear a group unabashed by their love of the Christmas season. For your enjoyment:

    May all of your wishes and desires come true for the coming year. Merry Christmas and a happy Hannukka to all.
