Thursday, December 22, 2016

The German Refugee Problem, by the Numbers

As it turns out, the German government is not very good at tracking the terrorists in its midst. It’s not very good at deporting the known terrorists in its midst. And yet, it’s pretty good at keeping statistics. Be thankful for little things.

Regarding Angela Merkel’s policy, you naturally want to know how many of the 1,200,000 refugees she allowed into the country  have managed to find gainful employment. The German government reports that the numbers are pathetically low.

The Daily Mail has the story (via Maggie's Farm):

Just 34,000 migrants out of the 1.2million who have arrived in Germany in the past two years have managed to find a job, new figures have revealed.

The statistics from the German government's Institute for Labour Research (IAB) reveal how only three per cent of those who travelled to the country are now working.

And in addition out of those who are employed, nearly a quarter are just on temporary contracts, with the numbers applying to migrants mostly from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Eritrea.

Only three quarters of the 34,000 have full time or permanent jobs.

The government official has duly taken his optimism pills and explains that within five years, the number should reach 50%.

Joachim Moller, director of the IAB, said: 'If we manage to get 50 percent of them into work which pays for their lives in five years, that'd certainly be a success.

But, there are limits to his optimism. The refugees will never be able to get and keep well-paid jobs:

'But it would be an illusion to believe that we will manage to find jobs for a decent proportion of refugees in well-paid industry jobs like car manufacturing.'

So, these refugees will be permanently on the government dole. And yet, optimism being in vogue, the government notes that the flood of refugees has created lots of new jobs for those who will be taking care of these new arrivals:

This means the bill of feeding, housing and caring for the migrants will continue to soar into the billions and fall upon the German taxpayer.

One bright side is that the crisis has created an estimated 60,000 jobs for Germans in social work, teaching and in security for the numerous asylum centres around the country.

Have a nice day!

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