Friday, March 3, 2017

Porn Can Kill You!

What would we do without the Daily Mail?

Today, the paper reports on the dangers of overindulging in pornography. If you thought that it was just an innocent pastime, consider the case of the Japanese man who was killed by porn.

The Daily Mail reports:

A lonely Japanese man who amassed more than six tons of porn died when a huge pile of magazines fell on top of him.

And even more tragically, the man's body was only discovered six months later when the landlord entered the flat to find out why the rent had not been paid.

The man's lowly death was revealed by a member of the cleaning team, who said his company had been hired to remove the magazines discreetly in a way that would not be noticed by neighbours and the man's family to save them from the shame….

It was unclear if he had suffered a heart attack and fallen into the stacks of magazines which had then fallen on top of him, or whether he had been crushed by the mass of paper.

Forewarned is forearmed!


  1. "What would we do without the Daily Mail?"

    We certainly would not get real news coverage of the things the Democrat Communications Directorate (read: the mainstream news media) doesn't want us to know.

    Like Valerie Jarrett moving in with the Obamas... in their new D.C. home!

    The Obama Post-Presidency: Organizing the Alt-Left for Obfuscation & Direct Action (also known as violence)

  2. IAC, that ought to be the Ctrl-Left, for they want to control everything.
    (See here: )

  3. IAC, it's the former First Ménage à Trois back together again.

  4. Everyone rails against porn - but in this day and age for a single man - it's safe sex. And it's less dangerous than some potential consequences associated with bad dates. Is it better to have a 19 year old boy watching porn than having him sleeping with multiple women, and navigating the troubled waters of those consequences in this day and age? Or knock someone up, then wake up several years later to realize,it wasn't love, and spend the duration paying child support. I'm sure people junk out on porn too much, as people do with everything - but whatever. At least the optics of porn are more pleasing than say...the news. Probably just as artificial. If we aren't engaging in a war on porn to save the men, then what are we doing? Watching porn?

  5. Shaun F @March 3, 2017 at 12:39 PM:

    It depends on how you look at it.

    If it's purely a public health issue, then you are correct.

    If it's for the emotional and spiritual health (and growth) of the human person, porn is highly degrading for all involved.

  6. Sam L. @March 3, 2017 at 7:50 AM:

    Correct you are, and I love the Ctrl-Left moniker, but you might have to remind me a few more times. It's my feeble mind...

  7. IAC OCD - For the record I will note, your inability to grasp what I was presenting and speaking to the issue. This must be your strong point as you have demonstrated this attribute with an exemplary consistency.

  8. Between IAC and Shaun's debate, I saw a good video from Canada on Free speech Freedom Of Speech/Political Correctness: Dr. Norman Doidge

    The speech is worth seeing for its own sake, but he also mentioned 4 cardinal virtues (@1:14:00), Justice, Wisdom, Moderation, and Courage. His point was to show that all 4 virtues are needed, and any one of them missing causes an imbalance in our perceptions.

    I see Wikipedia lists them as: Prudence, Justice, Temperance, Courage. So Prudence is Wisdom, and Temperance is Moderation.

    So clearly Shaun can be correct that there can be some Wisdom in choosing porn over unsafe sex, but since porn requires no Courage at all, there's imbalance there, and there's no clear line where to stop (Moderation) using porn, as this example show.

    IAC is surely right to worry about emotional or spiritual growth being held back by the "solution" of porn but its still better for immature men to not father children, and so if porn's sole value is avoided neglected and abused children by confused men who have no courage, it looks beneficial.

    And if it's a matter of giving PG nun-porn or mother-mary-porn to Catholic priests helps protect them from acting on their lust on children, sounds good to me.

  9. Ares,

    You did an excellent job of commenting on the disagreement until the last sentence. I wonder about a mind that cannot help itself from reaching for the gutter of political degradation. Suffice it to say that everything in life, especially in the area of sex, requires a balance.

  10. Ares - Thank you. I think you grasped what I was presenting quite well - and I am aware of the four cardinal virtues. I do not think you forfeit courage when exercising wizdom - they are simply interconnected, but that is just an opinion. Sometimes - we can't measure the opportunity cost of our choice - because the unknown - is well...unknown.

  11. Globalism is bad for Asian men. Least desired by global standards, they are rejected even by their own women. They end up like this.

    White women go black because black men are bigger & stronger. And Asian women go white because white men are bigger than Asian men.
    So, increasing numbers of Asian men will die without having kids.
    Because Asia is so committed to globalism and emigration, things will get worse for Asian men.

  12. Shaun F @March 3, 2017 at 1:53 PM:

    Not so sure what I missed with my "inability," nor how I've come to achieve "exemplary" status in your mind.

    Given the exchange on this thread, I assume you are saying consumption of porn is a superior choice (or social outcome) to immature men sleeping with multiple women fathering children and being saddled with lifelong financial obligations for a child they did not want.

    Therefore, beyond the public health issue, I further assume you're talking about population control to prevent expansion of the "Idiocracy."

    Did I get it right this time? I hope so, because this is what I was speaking in my original comment to you, which was a caveat to your point, not attacking it. I merely said that young men sitting at home regularly jerking off has negative consequences.

    The original post spoke to an issue about a Japanese man who was killed when his collapse of his 6-ton collection of porn.

    Not sure what I'm missing, but clearly you are wizer than I am.
