Thursday, August 16, 2018

Shielding Rapists in Germany

Here’s a scene from Angela Merkel’s Germany. If it does not turn your stomach, you are completely insensate.

The story involves a Yazidi teenager who was sold into sex slavery in Syria when she was fifteen. Her captor belonged to ISIS. She was forced to convert to Islam and then was raped repeatedly.

Now, resettled in Germany, the girl, Answaq Ta’lo ran into her rapist on a street in Stuttgart. The Times of London has the Story:

A Yazidi teenager who was sold into slavery by Islamic State but escaped has fled Germany after coming face to face with the man who abused her.

Ashwaq Ta’lo was 15 when her entire family was rounded up in the Isis attack on the traditional heartland of the Yazidi people in northern Iraq four years ago. She was eventually sold along with her sister and other young women and teenage girls, and lived with a man she knew as Abu Humam.

Eventually she contrived to give her captors the slip and made her way to Germany as a refugee, where she was reunited with her mother and several other family members.

Then one day in February, she was stopped by a man as she walked home in Stuttgart. “I froze when I looked at his face carefully,” she told Bas News, a Kurdish agency. “It was Abu Humam, with the same scary beard and ugly face. I was speechless when he started speaking in German, asking, ‘You’re Ashwaq, aren’t you?’”

Naturally, she reported her rapist to the local authorities in Stuttgart. Their response: they could do nothing; he was a refugee, just like her:

She, her mother and two brothers lived in Stuttgart. She said that during the encounter with her captor he told her: “I am Abu Humam and you were with me for a while in Mosul. And I know where you live, with whom you live, and what you are doing.”

Ms Ta’lo ran and hid before telling her brother, an asylum official and the police about the incident. The police identified the man from the market’s CCTV but told her that there was nothing they could do — he was also a registered refugee. European countries have managed to prosecute Syrian refugees for crimes committed on either side of the Syrian war but compelling evidence can be hard to find.

Ta’lo has moved back to Kurdistan. She cannot bear to live in Germany, a country that shields Islamist rapists. We await reaction from Germany’s feminists.

1 comment:

  1. My God.

    This is evil. There simply is no other word. What society thinks that this is sustainable? That everything will “work out ok?” This will not go on forever. At some point people will not live with this injustice.

    I know this is crazy but sometimes I feel that world leaders are secretly Muslim. Why else are so many so willing to look the other way when it comes to Muslims?
